Head of Primary Years' Report

Dear Primary Years Families,
It's been an exciting few weeks at Hazel Glen College. I hope you enjoy catching up on all the things that have been going on in this newsletter.
Education Support Day 2024
Last week, we celebrated our wonderful Education Support staff for Education Support Staff Day. It was a day to honour and recognise the extraordinary contribution Education Support staff make to public education and we thank our amazing staff for the work and support they provide for us all at the College.
2025 School Enrolments
Next year will be our first year as a traditional Primary School Structure in our Primary Years, with a full cohort of Prep to Year 6. We welcome new enrolments and are currently conducting tours and programs to showcase the Primary Years for prospective families. Enrolment forms can be collected from the Primary Years Office.
Digital Safety at School
We thank our families for forming productive partnerships to support us here at the College with our arrangements for the safe use of ICT resources. We pride ourselves on our programs in place to educate our students to be safe, responsible users of digital technologies, and we are committed to educating our students about digital issues such as privacy, and safety. The College provides a filtered internet service at school to block access to inappropriate content and students are restricted to using school apps in the classroom and educational websites as directed by their teachers.
Morning Classroom Entry Routines and Out of Hours Reminder
Our school day starts at 8:45am as communicated from the beginning of the year. Classrooms are open from 8:35am. On days where the classroom is not open due to staff yard duty responsibilities or absences, students will be asked to line up in pairs outside of the classroom from when they hear the music play.
Please note that school yard supervision begins at 8:30am and finishes at 3:15pm. We have noticed many students arriving early or remaining beyond this time without supervision. We have an Out of School Hours Care Program available to families if required. Please call the school office on 9717 7500 for more details regarding the Out of Hours Care Program.
Andrea Lynch
Acting Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College