From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Welcome to Week 8!

Only two weeks of Term 2 to go! Then holiday time to try and eliminate the current bugs that a large number of our community is battling. 

Eisteddfod Assembly - Concert

Thank you Ms McNeall for organising our Eisteddfod Assembly yesterday afternoon.

How proud I am of the children's achievements for the Armidale Eisteddfod. The performances were truly amazing. Thank you for the wonderful music skills that you instill in our children.

Message Stick Arrived on Monday 17th June

The Message Stick for the Catholic School NSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education conference arrived on Monday 17th June at school. The Message Stick is traveling across the diocese spreading the message of this year's conference theme: “Spirit on Country: Learning Together, then, now & always”. The Message Stick will conclude its journey at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment & Conference Centre for the conference on 22nd October. 

Year 6 RE Test

Well done Year 6 students for completing the annual Diocesan Religion Education Test on Tuesday, we look forward to your results next term. 

Year 1 Mass on Friday 28th at 9:15 am

On Friday 28th Year 1 will attend the Parish Mass. Parents are welcome to attend Mass. 

P & F - please see the P&F page for more detail

FETE Meeting, Week 9 Wednesday, 26 June 6pm - Staffroom 

Save the Date Saturday 23rd November - St Mary's Fete

P&F Meeting, Term 3,Week 3 Wednesday, 7 August  5:30 pm - Staffroom

BBQ LUNCH - Last day of Term 2 Thursday July 4th from 1pm

PIE DRIVE - orders have been sent out

P&F TRIVIA NIGHT - 17th August School Hall

Resilience and how to thrive at school

Staff Development Days Coming Up Soon...


A reminder to families that Friday 5th July and Monday 22nd July are both Staff Development Days.  Students do not attend school on these days.


                           The first day for students in Term 3 is Tuesday 23 July.

Semester 1 Reports 

Reports will be sent home electronically via the Compass parent portal on Thursday 27th  June. If parents have any questions and/or would like to have a meeting with their child's class teacher, they can contact the School Office to arrange a suitable time to meet or discuss any matters in regard to their child's learning during Week 10.   

How to view your child's report on Compass

Log into Compass

To view the Semester 1 report select your child's profile (photo) and click Reports, select 2024 Semester 1 Report.

New 3-6 Syllabus

As part of the NSW Curriculum Reform, a new English and Mathematics Syllabus was introduced last year for Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2, and this year the new syllabus has been implemented in Years 3-6. 


The new syllabuses emphasise key concepts, identify essential knowledge and skills and include new outcomes to clearly show what is essential. To reflect the outcomes of the new English and Mathematics syllabuses, the language of the Semester 1 reports for Years 3-6 will change, just like it did for K-2 last year. Please see the tables below which compare the outcomes and language of the old and new syllabuses. If you have a child in Year 3, 4, 5 or 6, these are the areas you will see on the Semester 1 report. 

English: Old LanguageEnglish: New Language

Speaking and Listening

Writing and Representing

Reading and Viewing

Oral language and communication


Reading Fluency (Stage 2)

Reading comprehension

Creating written texts


Handwriting and digital transcription

Understanding and responding to literature

Mathematics: Old LanguageMathematics: New Language

Working Mathematically

Number and Algebra

Measurement and Geometry

Statistics and Probability

Representing numbers using place value (Stage 2)

Represents numbers (Stage 3)

Additive relations

Multiplicative relations 

Partitioned fractions (Stage 2)

Representing quantity fractions (Stage 3)

Geometric Measure 

2D spatial structure 

3D spatial structure 

Non-spatial measure 



School Fees -Term 2

Thank you for your continued support, please make sure your accounts are up-to-date before the end of the term.


If you know anyone who has a son/daughter ready to start school next year please let them know that enrolments are now open. Enrolment forms can be obtained from the School Office. 


Upcoming Event Term 4 - New England Sings 2024 Term 4  for Years 3-6


This exciting event is beginning to take shape, 16 schools (with approx. 500 choristers) in the combined Primary choirs and 14 schools (with approx. 450 choristers) in the Secondary choir. 

Ian Jefferson will attend the workshops throughout the year and conduct the Primary choirs at the final weekend of rehearsals and concerts.

FINAL REHEARSAL (all schools)

Date: Saturday 26th October (directed by Ian Jefferson) 

Time: Primary Choir 9:00am – 10.45 am (arrive by 8:30am) 

 Venue: Lazenby Hall, UNE

CONCERTS: Date: Sunday 27th October (directed by (with Ian Jefferson) 

Time: Primary Choir 11:00am – 1:00pm (arrive by 9:30am) 

Venue: Lazenby Hall, UNE


A permission note will be sent home via Compass for Years 3-6 students who wish to participate in New England Sings. 

Attendance Matters Every Day Counts

We have set a long term goal of having a high attendance level of 90% of students at school 80% to 90% of the time. 

Education is important and regular attendance at school is essential for your child to achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options. 

When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier as they are able to build on what was learnt the day before. 

Just one day missed per fortnight equates to one whole year over a child's school life! 

Arriving at school on time is also important. Classes start at 8:50am, students should arrive at least ten minutes prior to this to ensure they have time to put their bags away and greet their friends. 

Schools, in partnerships with families, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students and for ensuring that non-attendance is addressed effectively.                                    Thank you for prioritising your children’s attendance at school.  


A reminder that when a student is absent because they are sick for more than 3 days we require a medical certificate to support this absence.