Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
This week as a school community we have acknowledged and celebrated National Reconciliation Week. This is a timefor all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
To find our more visit:
School Advisory Council
This week members of our School Advisory Council met for our Term 2 meeting. We discussed Capital Works planning and Child Safety. In particular we focused on Child Safe Standard 9: Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed. In today's Student Wellbeing section of our newsletter we have included more information about the importance of keeping our children safe online. The following Principal Report was presented and discussed:
I would like to introduce our School Advisory Council Members, who represent our parent body at meetings.
Congratulations to Randi (Esposito Homegroup) and his family on becoming Australian Citizens this week!
Thank you to all community members who continue to keep our children safe at pick up and drop off times by modelling safe pedestrian and driver behaviours.