
Positive Behaviours for Learning

As part of our ongoing development as a PBL school we continue to explicitly teach & model expectations from our matrix.

The foci for the next couple of weeks are:


We think before we act


We take ownership of our choices


We seek solutions to solve problems

These expectations will be explicitly taught during Wellbeing Hour & revisited throughout the days.

It would be great if you could also reinforce these expectations at home and ask your child/children how they are following these at school.

Child Safe Standards

This newsletter we revisit the child safe standards 4 - 6 and highlight what actions we are taking at OLSC to ensure the standards are being followed. 


Standard 4: Family engagement

Schools must ensure that families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

Actions to Meet this standard at OLSC include:

  • Formed a School Advisory Council
  • Fridge magnet of important dates & events sent to all families
  • Fortnightly newsletter
  • Dojo alerts for all events
  • Meet and Greet meetings
  • Learning Conversations
  • Learning Expos
  • Child Safety Policies on school website
  • Learning Centre Helpers Course
  • esafety workshops online for parents
  • Information sessions for new families
  • Parent Handbook
  • Whole school events eg:
    • Mothers and Fathers Day Breakfasts
    • Family Picnic

Standard 5: Diversity and equity

Schools must ensure that equity is upheld, and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.

Actions to Meet this standard at OLSC include:

  • Multicultural day
  • Multicultural garden
  • Participate in National day of Action Against Bullying
  • Positive Behaviours for Learning
  • Personalised Learning Plans
  • Program Support Group Meetings
  • Respectful Relationships program
  • Books and resources that reflect diverse views and perspectives
  • Newsletter and Dojo messages can be translated into other languages
  • Displays throughout the school celebrating our diversity

Standard 6: Suitable staff and volunteers

Schools must ensure that people working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.

Actions to Meet this standard at OLSC include:

  • Working with Children Check register
  • Learning Centre Helpers Course
  • Parent and Staff Code of Conduct
  • Yearly child safety training for all staff
    • child safety (including family violence)
    • mandatory reporting
    • responding to student sexual offending
    • human rights and the rights of children
    • diversity and inclusion
    • harassment and bullying
    • cultural safety
    • privacy and information sharing
    • ICT Acceptable Usage Policy signed by all staff & students yearly

Friendship Benches

Great news our Friendship Benches have been ordered and should arrive in the next 3 weeks. After much research we found a company based in Melbourne that uses plastic waste and turns it into new products. They literally turn trash into treasure. Our benches not only use sustainable material but look fantastic too. 

Remember our student leaders are running another Casual Clothes Day on Friday  21st June to help pay for our Friendship Benches, please support this day.

Aussie of the Month

The Aussie of the Month award recognises students 

for their contribution to our school community.

Aussie of the Month Award winners are students who:

  • Are role models for others
  • Show consideration and respect for others
  • Are inclusive and live our school motto: where every child is valued

Congratulations to Joren and Tiir

Student Leaders News

Nude Food Day

Nude Food Day is all about reducing the amount of rubbish that is generated by our lunch boxes. 


Our intention is to educate students to think about the amount of packaging they bring to school each day, and the impact this has on our environment.


This is a day where we highly encourage all students to have a lunchbox free of food wrappers, such as chip packaging, glad wrap or aluminium foil. You must carry your food in reusable containers and packaging that can’t be thrown away.

The benefits are positive for our environment. 

Nude Food Days helps because…


  • Reducing the amount of packaging, reduces the amount of rubbish that goes to landfill. 
  • This also decreases the amount the greenhouse gases generated in producing the additional packaging, creating a more sustainable environment. 
  • Pollution is decreased

Sustainability Team will visit each Learning Group on May 30th and measure which group has the least amount of rubbish on this day.

Together we can make a difference

Casual Clothes Day


Feel free to email me at: shenderson@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au or call the school office if you have any concerns or need help at any time.


