Learning Centre News... 

Learning Centre One

The preps have had lots of fun learning about the changes that occur to familiar objects through a range of experiments. The students were very engaged in their skittles experiment and their lava lamp, ask them about what they learned! 

In Literacy, the students have continued to explore their digraph sounds in phonics. They have begun learning the purpose of information texts and that they are texts that give us information through words and images. The students then looked at what a glossary is and what its purpose is while we read. We then participated in the‘ National Simultaneous Storytime’ where we read the text ‘ Bowerbird Blues’. The preps explored a range of ways to respond to the text by retelling, using adjectives in a sentence and using their Bowerbird model to role play using a range of verbs. In writing they have looked into how sentences are formed and structured and look at how they can use a conjunction such as ‘and’ to join their two ideas together. While writing sentences the students focused on punctuation being capital letters and full stops.

During Maths, the students investigated the ways in which they can subitise and recognise numbers in parts to 10. They then explored data, what it is, how it is collected, why we collect data and how we can represent the data we have gathered. They learned how to make telly marks, pictures, dots, colours, numbers and names to show the data they’ve gathered.

Throughout Religion, the preps have explored the celebrations and events that occur in their lives, what they wear and what they do at these special celebrations. They then looked at how families celebrate different events based on their culture and religion. 

Some friendly reminders:

  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day
  • Tuesday 28th May - Preps in Pyjamas 6:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Thursday 30th May - Nude Food Day
  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June6th & 7th June - School Closure Days
  • Friday 14th June - Whole School Mass 12 - 1pm
  • Monday 17th June - Learning Conversations 1:30 - 4:30pm
  • Tuesday 18th June - Learning Conversations 18th June - 3:30 - 7pm
  • Thursday 20th June - Science Excursion
  • Friday 28th June - Whole School Assembly 9 - 10am in Sports Hall ( All Welcome)
  • Friday 28th June - School Finishes 1pm 


Prep Team - Amanda, Donna, Rachael, Kiah, 

Sarena, Teagan, Sam, Marion, Tina & Dasanthi. 


Learning Centre Two

There's only one more week to go until our Winter Gala sports day! The students have been practising extremely hard and they are looking forward to playing netball, hockey, soccer and t-ball on the day. Fingers crossed for some sunshine.


LITERACY - Class Novels

The 5/6 students have been enjoying sharing their class novels together. They sit and follow along as the teacher reads to them, sharing their thoughts and contributing to discussions. They are developing their questioning skills and are building up their vocabulary through these shared texts.


CYBERSAFETY - Inform and Empower

Our school has partnered with Inform and Empower, a team of people dedicated to educating children and their families about the importance of being safe online. The senior students have participated in two of the digital sessions already and have had the chance to test their knowledge and talk to each other about their own experiences.



Last week, many of the senior students dressed up for our school's career dress-up day. Many students aspire to go into emergency services, some promising sportspeople, artists, CEOs and even a very trustworthy real estate agent, to name a few.



A few weeks ago, the students of LC2 learnt about the significance of the mountain throughout the Bible. They read many pieces of scripture where a mountaintop moment was referred to and then chose one of these stories to respond to creatively. The students also reflected on what these mountaintop moments might mean to us in the 21st century.

At the moment, the students are researching the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation). They are working together to research the signs and symbols related to these sacraments, how they have changed over time and how they connect to stories in the Bible.



We wish Pieng, Sophia, Elson and Sabrina the best of luck as they represent OLSC at the Divisional Cross Country on Tuesday next week.


5/6 CAMP

Please see below for the list of 'what to bring' to camp that was presented to families in our online information session. A copy of this will be printed and given to students to bring home and tick off, as they pack for camp.



  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day
  • Tuesday 28th May - Divisional Cross Country
  • Friday 31st May - Winter Gala Day
  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June - School Closure Days
  • Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Winter Appeal begins
  • Friday 14th June - Whole school mass at 12 pm (ALL WELCOME)

Year 5/6 Team:  Ann, Anna, Ben, Bianca, Chelsea, Cheryl, Danielle, Isaac, Kristina, Krystin, Selena, Scott and Zach.

Learning Centre Three

It has been a busy couple of weeks in Year 1/2. 


What Career do you want to have? We had so much fun dressing up!


We had a lot of fun at our Crazy Chemical incursion where we brought out our inner Scientist by conducting experiments, testing hypotheses and observing various chemical reactions.


In Literacy, we continued to explore informative texts and had a go at writing one ourselves. 



This week, we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime. We read the book Bowerbird Blues alongside over 2 million people from Australia, New Zealand and around the world. We even went on our own scavenger hunt to find blue objects, then made our own bowers.




In our Maths lessons, we have been collecting data and using this information to create picture graphs.


In Religion, we have been beginning to learn about celebrations and how we celebrate sacraments in the Catholic faith.


In Inquiry, we have been busy experimenting and learning how to conduct experiments correctly.



What a fun-filled fortnight!


Year 1/2 Team - Gabby, Gillian, Imogen, Janeen, Jamie, Jess, Jordan, Mary, Shalome, Tasmin, Tina and  Sue.



  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day
  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June - School Closure Days
  • Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Winter Appeal begins
  • Friday 14th June - Whole school mass at 12 pm (ALL WELCOME)

Learning Centre Four

Athletics Day  -  (Sanuk)

Students got to engage and experience unfamiliar and familiar activities and sports. Students were resilient even with trial and error in their way. Students had a lot of fun and in their class they were handed ribbons. Students had a lot of fun



National Simultaneous Storytime:

This week we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime. During this time the students learnt about bowerbirds and read the text ‘Bowerbird Blues’ by Aura Parker. The students had a discussion about different words they could use to describe the bowerbird and illustrations we could look at to describe the bird's thoughts/ feelings. After having a discussion about the text the students created their own bowerbird. 



During writing, students have been focusing on conducting chemical experiments. During this time, the students have been following the scientific process:



In mathematics over the previous fortnight, the students have been learning about the topic of time. During this time they have learnt about how to read analogue clocks, digital clocks and have learnt how to write time in words. We have been focusing on o’clock times, half past, quarter past and to, five minute interval times and minute times.



For Religion, we have been learning about how we can prepare for special celebrations and the parts of a special celebration. This has led us into our unit of the Eucharist. This week we started learning about the parts of a Mass beginning with how we gather for Mass and then how we actively listen during Mass. 



During Inquiry, the students have been learning about their specific type of science. The types of science are:

  • Chemistry - Temperature
  • Chemistry - States of Matter
  • Earth Science
  • Space Science
  • Physics - Push and Pull
  • Physics - Force


Lost Property

Our Lost Property bin is overflowing! If your child has lost a jumper, jacket etc. please come into LC4 and take a look through the bin. Unfortunately, many of the items are not labelled, so this is a timely reminder to please clearly label all items.



  • Monday 27th May - STEM Day
  • Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June - School Closure Days
  • Monday 10th June - King's Birthday public holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June - Winter Appeal begins
  • Friday 14th June - Whole school Mass at 12pm ALL WELCOME
  • Sunday 16th June - Community Mass and First Holy Communion at 10am ALL WELCOME

Year 3/4 Team: Adam, Alison, Amelia, Beth, Elizabeth, Emma, Hayley, Helen, Isaac, Jannine, John, Josh and Milla.