Principal's Chat

Term 2, Week 6 - Friday 24th May, 2024

Dear Families of OLSC


Who can believe that we are over half way through Term 2.  As the cold weather really sets in please ensure that all of the students winter items are clearly labelled with their names. At the momentafter each break there are dozens of clothing items left outside and it is proving to be a challenge to find the owners when there are no names.  

National Simultaneous Storytime  

On Wednesday this week, our students joined in the 24th National Simultaneous Storytime. This year, the book that was chosen is called 'Bowerbird Blues' by Australian author Aura Parker. Our students joined almost 2.5 million other registered readers across Australia and New Zealand who all listened to this beautiful story simultaneously. Our prep students created their own bowers and bowerbirds. The 1/2s also cloured in their own bowerbirds and had a wonderful time flapping around and collecting precious blue items on the church block. The 3/4 students have created their own bowerbirds by folding paper and following directions. The 5/6 students investigated the many verbs in the story and watched a video of a real bowerbird and its habits.

Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge

This year, we are participating in the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge. This is an initiative aimed at encouraging our children to read for enjoyment and to log their reading into a personal online dashboard. The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by 6th September 2024. Today, your child/ren will bring home their unique login details. Please use the links in the letter for parents and the slideshow below to log them into their dashboard. They can then begin reading and adding the books that they finish to their list. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's teacher via Dojo or email me at


Kristina (Literacy Leader)

Community Mass Thank You 

Our Community Mass last weekend was once again very well attended and I thank everyone from our community for joining us.  Since the re-introduction of Community Masses we have been delighted with the number of people that have been able to attend.  

Our next Community Mass is on Sunday 16th June and I invite all of our families to come along.  At this Mass we will be celebrating the First ommunion of many of our Yr 4 students.  I invite all families to join us for this special celebration.   


 Thursday 30th May - Nude Food Day

Here's a look ahead at the next two weeks...

Monday 27th May - STEM Day 

The teachers have been busy planning and preparing for STEM day next Monday.  Keep an eye for some special phots posted to Dojo.  


Tuesday 28th May (6:30pm) - Preps in Pyjamas 

Come and join in this evening dedicated to the Prep students.  


Thursday 30th May - Nude Food Day  

See the flier above - there are prizes for the Learning Group with the most 'Nude' food! 


Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June - School Closure Days   

On these days the staff will be completing Mental Health First Aid Training.  There is vacation care available through QB.  


Have a great weekend! 

Justin and all of the staff at OLSC