Wellbeing & Thrive

Leadership Begins Here

Wellbeing Week

The PBL Focus for the Week - Care for your Appearance & the School Environment

The Leader in Me Focus for the Week - Be Proactive

Wearing your School Uniform with Pride

All students should now be wearing full school winter uniform to school.


Girls Winter Uniform


Green Checked Tunic

White long sleeved blouse

Long black socks or black tights

Holy Family Bottle green woollen jumper, track top, spray jacket

Green scarf/gloves

Black leather school shoes


Boys Winter Uniform

Grey Shorts

White button up shirt

Holy Family School Tie

Long Grey Holy Family Socks (with stripe at top)

Holy Family Bottle green woollen jumper, track top, spray jacket

Black leather school shoes


Sport Uniform (unisex)

Holy Family Tracksuit (Top/bottoms)

Holy Family sports shirt

Holy Family sport shorts

Sneakers with white 3/4 crew socks (with or without green stripe)


  • Each class has certain days to wear their uniforms please check class curriculum letters or Seniors Student Diary's for information. 
  • All long hair below the collar should be tied up, with appropriate school colours.  
  • No nail polish/ colourful jewellery is permitted at school.

League Tag Gala Day - Years 5 & 6

On Tuesday, the Seniors participated in a thrilling League Tag Gala Day. We went to Koola Oval and separated into divisions, based on our ability. Each team learned how to work as a team and know our strengths and weaknesses. Every time we lost, we laughed it off and discussed what we needed to improve on. At the end of the day, it wasn't about who won or who lost, it was about having fun and cooperating with others. We would like to thank all the teachers who made this exciting day possible. Seniors had so much fun and we look forward to future gala days this year!


Have a safe and happy weekend

Melissa Overton   

Wellbeing Coordinator