Ulverstone Primary Student Leaders

Hello again, long time no see!  


It’s Eliza and Miki here – two of the Primary School captains. We are in Week 4 of Term 2, and, it’s official, it’s amazing. 


We have enjoyed Learn to Swim in the first two weeks; thanks to Miss Magor for organising it all – she is a blessing to our school!


We also celebrated Mother’s Day with a fantastic stall put on by parent volunteers – thank you to all who helped out!


Monday 20 May was Cross Country. The Primary Leaders started off by helping the lower primary students' racing, and going under the parachute as part of their run. We hope that they enjoyed it a lot! After recess, the Year 3-6 students had their races. Which were around 2.4-2.8km long. Thankfully there were no injuries and, whilst everyone was tired, it was a fun day and many goals were achieved!


Coming up in Term 2, on 31 May is Year 7 Taster Day for all the awesome Year 6s from both Burnie and Ulvie, and any others who are joining us next year. We’ll let you know how it goes in our next article!


We also have a whole school Crrrrrraaaazy Hair Day! On Friday 14 June, ALL of the students at Leighland Primary and Secondary are invited to make their hair as crazy and as creative as possible! This day is a gold coin donation and the money will all go towards supporting the Senior Primary Choir as they head towards the Festival of Voices in Hobart at the end of June. 


On Saturday 15 June, we will be having a Trivia Night at LCS again to raise money for the Festival of Voices trip. There will be fun, food, family and friends! So get along! More info will come out soon. 


Term 2 is looking like it’s going to be action packed and fun! 


Eliza B and Miki F