Ulverstone Campus Head of Careers

Dianna de Deuge
Dianna de Deuge

I was again privileged this year to be hosted by the University of Tasmania. Alongside other state and interstate Careers Advisors, I toured the facilities and was updated on faculty course offerings to be able to pass onto our students.


It is very apparent the University is strategically aiming to stay abreast of emerging technologies and meet industry needs by offering courses of study that address many shortages currently experienced. 


Accredited Medical and Allied Health Pathways have been further developed and are now offered across our home state to students opting to stay. Previously, students have been required to attend mainland Universities to gain qualifications for specialised Health professions. Please see me for updated information.


A tour of the Australian Maritime College reminded me once again of the world class training facility we have at our doorstep. Careers Advisors were thrilled with the simulated learning equipment available to students for a variety of courses and qualifications. 


Tertiary Information Session (TIS)

The TIS is a collective of Universities and TAFEs from Interstate that travel to Tasmania to provide information about tertiary education with institutions from the Mainland. Representatives from Monash, Melbourne, RMIT, Swinburne Universities and more will be present to speak with students. A full list can be found at: 



Students should register their interest with Mrs de Deuge in advance so that transport arrangements can be made.

WHEN: 6 June                  WHERE: Don College                   TIME: 1.30 – 3.00pm


School Leaver EXPO – University of Tasmania

Careers EXPO atLeighland


A huge THANK YOU to parents and students who attended the Careers EXPO last week, to help make this evening a success!


It was wonderful to be able to host this event where key industry training and education providers were available to speak with parents and students about possible future pathways – all in the one space, at school. 


We have received positive feedback from both the industry providers and the school community, with many claiming they’ll be back next year … so watch this space 


It is my understanding that many good conversations were had throughout the evening!

Industries represented were Tas Police, TasTAFE, NW Careers HUB, Tas Health Education, MAS Employment, IT Communications, ANZ Bank, Harbro Engineering, TasBGAS , Central Coast Council, Caterpillar, Work & Training, Degree C, Defence Forces, Tas Networks, NRM (Natural Resource Management) University of Tasmania (UTAS) including Tech Solutions Hub, Rural Clinical School, Health & Community Care, Aboriginal Community Engagement Officer, and Alphacrucis College.


PONDER – StudyWorkGrow Program

Students in the High school will continue to work through the PONDER Program for career lessons where they have access to career education activities. This career development program leads students through a series of topics associated with Knowing and Understanding yourself, Decision-making, Planning, Time Management, Exploring the World of Work and Planning your Future which are key topics underpinning self-development. The program offers 4 Module Booklets as a base along with many other information resources.


Careers HUB  - This is a PONDER resource that I encourage students and parents to access through SIMON (Daily Notes). The Leighland Careers HUB links into PONDER to provide useful and up-to-date Careers information.


myfuture.edu.au is another valuable career resource provided free by the Australian Government. Students are required to create an account before being able to access a wide range of resources available to them. They can log in any time to search for relevant career information.


Please feel free to contact me at school or make an appointment to meet and discuss career and pathway information you and your child are interested in. I’d love to be of assistance! 


Yours faithfully,


Dianna de Deuge

Careers, VET & Work Experience Coordinator.