Praise and Prayer Points

Praise Points

  • Praise the Lord for continually meeting our needs;
  • Praise the Lord for a sunny and successful Cross Country day; 
  • Praise the Lord for exciting curriculum opportunities and connections with the Stanford School;
  • Praise the Lord for our strong Board and Leadership team.


Prayer Points

  • For building a strong Christian community in our school;
  • For fundraising and preparations for the Festival of Voices event for our Primary Senior Choir; 
  • For our Learning Support Staff to be strengthened and equipped to walk alongside our students;
  • For our Teaching Staff to be sustained and supported by the Holy Spirit as they teach, nurture and empower our students, and continue in their own professional learning;
  • For all Tasmanian families doing it tough – may they be supported and equipped for the day to day challenges;
  • For the upcoming Youth Alive events in Tasmania;
  • For the support of the Australian Government – allowing Christian Schools to faithfully uphold their identity; 
  • For RAIN – on our farms and in our dams.