Performing Arts
Grayling’s Got Talent!
Over the past 2 weeks, we have begun the process of finding out what talent Grayling Primary School has to offer.
Last week, the senior school students from Grades 3 - 6 auditioned their rehearsed acts in front of a small audience and 3 judges. All of the students demonstrated the Grayling values of Performance, Respect and Daring!
It was so exciting to see the different talents from bike tricks to rapping and now to look forward to the 2nd round of heats on Tuesday 28th May at lunch time.
This week, the junior school students from Foundation - Grade 2 have auditioned their acts for a small audience and 3 judges. The students were excited, nervous and ready to shine!
We had acts of dancing, singing and gymnastics take the stage and were blown away by the talent we saw.
Well done to any students that stepped out of their comfort zone to audition for Grayling’s Got Talent 2024. Keep an eye out for the notices on the Performing Arts room windows for the student(s) that make it through to the 2nd round of heats.