Grade 1
Reading -
In the past fortnight, students have begun learning about adding suffixes to the end of verbs, specifically using the suffix ‘s’ and ‘ing’. The Grade 1’s engaged in multiple activities to extend their knowledge of this. This included activities that allowed students to practise reading and spelling. Students’ also identified verbs involving both a ‘base word’ and a ‘suffix’. In addition to this, students were introduced to the digraphs ‘ir’ and ‘ur’.
Storybook and Writing-
Over the last 2 weeks, students have begun delving into the story of “Bear’s Don’t Read”. It follows the journey of a bear called George who finds a book in the woods and desperately wants to learn how to read it, but his family thinks it’s a silly idea. He decides to not listen to them and walks into town to find the owner of the book, but of course the people of town are terrified of the bear and run away from him. You’ll need to ask your child how the problem is solved in the end. Whilst reading the story, we have been exploring the meaning of the words stroll, gaze and peculiar and will be encouraging students to use these words in the upcoming writing task based on this book.
Maths -
This week, students are learning how to collect data. First, students were learning how to create and ask their own simple yes or no questions amongst their peers. Then they moved on to creating questions with several answer options (for example: what is your favourite animal? dogs, cats, birds or other animals). As this week has progressed, students have been learning how to record their results using tally marks. Next week, students will consolidate their data knowledge by creating more questions, recording and analysing the results. They will also learn key vocabulary such as ‘most popular’, ‘least popular’ and ‘difference’. Students will then start to create picture graphs to represent their collected data.
In Integrated, students have continued comparing aspects of daily life in the past, present and future. Students watched a range of videos to better understand life in the 1900’s. They then created a comic strip to share what their daily life looks like today. Students have also used their imagination to plan and design a range of toys in the future. They were encouraged to include the features, materials and purpose of their future toys.