Not Just for Today

Tim Dehn - Community Relations Manager

Ever since we opened our doors to 90 students in February 1975, Donvale has grown through the visionary giving of Christians who are convinced of the value of a Christ-centred education, not just for their own children, but for those children who would follow them, year after year, decade after decade. 


Our history is steeped in such generosity, enabling Donvale to  grow into a school of more than 1600 students, with waiting lists for years ahead. What a witness to God's faithfulness as we seek to do everything to His glory!


Like most schools, Donvale has a tax-deductible building fund to support investment in the construction of new facilities and the repair, repurposing and maintenance of existing buildings. It's a never-ending process!


As we reach the end of this financial year, will you join in this beautiful, faith-filled habit of investing in the school, so that - 

...young women and men will graduate from Donvale ... [holding] values that reflect a strong sense of their responsibilities. They will be confident and strong to stand against injustice and take their place as leaders with integrity in any situation. In other words, they will act justly, love kindness and walk humbly with God.

[Quoted from our public website]


Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to our Building Fund.