Nearly There!

Jon Price - Business Manager

Jon Price
Jon Price

The Senior Secondary Centre is rapidly taking shape.  Our largest construction project to date,  begun in late 2022, it is now almost complete, with landscaping and final fit out occupying the remaining weeks of this term.


A complex move into the new teaching spaces will occupy the school holidays, so that all is ready for the start of Term 3.


From the very start the building was intended to be a learning environment where: 

  • Students are able to think critically, connecting with the world from a place of deep spiritual understanding  
  • Teachers and students are engaged with learning in innovative, engaging and flexible ways
  • Spaces for community connection foster strong learning communities 
  • There is authentic stewardship of creation (the Centre is designed and built to a 6-star Green Star standard) using architecture, art, sculpture and display to prompt reflection and discussion. 

The following pictures were taken on a rather grey day in March, since when not only has the weather improved, there are rather more carpeted and decorated spaces to enjoy!

Courtyard Entrance
Science Lab
Seminar Space
Roof Terrace
Courtyard Entrance
Science Lab
Seminar Space
Roof Terrace

Practically the building contains: 

  • Secondary Resource Centre (Library) 
  • 17 Senior classrooms and learning areas supporting Humanities, English, Maths, Science and LOTE 
  • Science Wet Labs and Food Studies spaces
  • Secondary Administration and Staff Offices. 

And the views from the top are truly spectacular - this is looking towards the Cross on the Hill: