Principal's News

Where every child is known, challenged and supported to be lifelong learners.

Dear Parents and Friends

Prospective Parents Informtion Night

Last night we held our inaugural Prospective Parents Information Night for parents of children who are enrolling in either 2026 or 2027. The session was well attended with an introduction of what school life looks like at St Brigid’s.  It was lovely to meet so many prospective new families, all of whom were very impressed with our wonderful school.

District Swimming

Congratulations to our Swimming Team who participated in the District Swimming on Monday 24th. What a wonderful team they were. They encouraged and cheered each other on at each event. The teachers were so very proud of them. Thanks to Hannah, Cassie and Loretta for supporting the team. Thanks to Hannah and Mel for getting up early to train the students the last 2 weeks. 


Swimming Report from Miss Richards: 

On Monday the 24th of February we had students from Year 4 to 6 represent St Brigid’s at the Mordialloc District Swimming Carnival at Noble Park Aquatic Centre. We are all very proud of all the students who made the swim team and represented St Brigid’s. 


We had a very successful day with many ribbons. Congratulations to:


  • 12/13 Girls Freestyle Relay team who came 2nd - Iris P, Charlotte D, Ava C and Louise R

  • Oscar S who came 2nd in the 9/10 Boys Freestyle and backstroke

  • Flynn O who came 3rd in the 9/10 Boys Butterfly

  • Torin C who came 2nd in the 11 Boys Freestyle 

Overall we came 6th out of the 11 schools and in the Handicap division we came 1st, coming home with a very nice trophy. The handicap trophy is a calculated score based on your enrolment numbers, this makes it even as some schools are a lot bigger and smaller than others. 


We send a very warm welcome to Lizzy (Year 3) who started with us on Monday.  Lizzy has settled in very well and it is nice to see our students looking after her. 

Foundation Mass on Sunday

Due to the wind and hot weather on Sunday we moved our St Louis and St Brigid’s Foundation Mass to the St Louis hall. We had a wonderful turnout with a picnic atmosphere inside. Our children did such a lovely job singing and reading different parts of the Mass. Thank you to all the parents who came out on such a warm day. Thanks to Jodie for preparing the Mass and Lauren and Suzie who came to support us all.

Ned Resiliency Incursion 

Today at St Brigid’s we welcomed Sean from NED. NED stands for:


Never Give Up, 

Encourage Others 

Do Your Best


Sean acted out an engaging story about a cartoon character called NED, who comes across challenges and uses a range of strategies to overcome them. Some students were lucky enough to participate and help NED with ideas on what they would do in certain situations. Throughout the performance Sean demonstrated his yo-yo skills.


The NED's team don't charge us for their visit to our school but do ask us to support their great work through a YoYo sale at school.  YoYo's will be sold each day after school on the deck in front of the Hall from today until next Friday 7th of March.


We have a great flyer to go along with the yoyo sales so our little NED's can practice their yoyo skills.


Sales are cash only.

Enrolments For 2026

Our Enrolments for 2026 have kicked off with a bang with a record number of external applications already submitted!  If you have a child joining St Brigid’s next year, please come to the office and pick up an enrolment pack. We would appreciate it if you could get your applications in to us by the end of Term 1.  If you have family or friends who have a child starting school next year please encourage them to attend one of our upcoming Principal's Tours and to get their applications in asap.

Assembly - TOMORROW - 2:15pm

Tomorrow's assembly is being prepared by 5/6F. We are looking forward to seeing what they have prepared, to share with us all that they have been doing since the start of the year. Parents are welcome to join us and the assembly starts at 2.15pm. We look forward to seeing you all there. 

Long Service Leave

As most of you are aware and I am very excited!!  I am heading off on Long Service Leave at the end of Term 1 for 7 weeks.  My closest friend, who I met when our children started Foundation 28 years ago,  are heading off  on our dream trip of visiting England, Scotland and Ireland. I will be returning to school in Week 6 of Term 2. The school will be very competently run by Jodie and the Leadership team. 


Naplan testing will start on Wednesday 13th March for all Year 3 and Year 5 students.  All Victorian Schools start Naplan with the writing component on Wednesday.  


Dates for our Naplan testing

Wednesday 12th March - Writing  - 9.00am

Thursday 13th March  -  Reading  - 9.00am

Friday 14th March - Conventions of Language - 9.00am 

Monday 17th March -  Maths- 9.00am


Please see the attached brochure for some more information regarding Naplan



School Advisory Council

Just a reminder that our first School Advisory Council meeting will take place next Wednesday 5th March at 7.00pm. All are welcome to attend the meeting, but I would ask that you RSVP via my email if you would like to attend. 

Kiss and go area - not for parking

The Kiss and Go parking bays in both Chute and Albert street are not for parking and coming into the school grounds. The Kiss and Go areas are for parents who sit in the car and then as soon as their children are in the car and buckled up they move on. Please be respectful of those parents who do not want to stay and chat.

Child Safe Standards Briefing, Mandatory Reporting, Anaphylaxis Training

As we do at the start of each year, staff have to undertake training in relation to Safety and First Aid.


At the start of the year I had a briefing with staff in relation to the Child Safe Standards, which are a set of standards that aim to protect children and young people, by requiring organisations to put policies, procedures and processes in place to prevent and respond to abuse. We have all the necessary policies and procedures in place at St Brigids.


This term staff will undertake there Mandatory Reporting and the Anaphylaxis Training modules to ensure they are up to date with current practices.


First Aid training for staff will occur later in the year. 

Interschool Sports  

Last week our Year 5/6 students competed against Mentone Park Primary School.  Here are the results:


Volleyball - Lost 2 sets to 0 

Volleystars - Won 2 sets to 0 

Cricket Boys -  Lost 133 runs to 111


Tennis boys and girls and the cricket girls - get automatic wins as Mentone Park didn't have those teams.   Our tennis  and girls cricket teams used the time to practice instead.  We are so proud of all our teams - each week they turn up, support each other and have a go!

Running Club

Laps = 236

Km run = 11.8km

Total km = 745.8km

We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy in New South Wales in Sutton Forest. 


Sydney is almost in sight.  Come along and help us reach our final destination.  It would be nice to be eating easter eggs in Sydney!


We send our thoughts, prayers and love to the Cardamone and Pliatsiaris Families on the passing of Yolanda, Dean, Aflie and Tania's Mum, Alessia, Sebastian, Joey, Xavier, Sienna (5/6F), and Ricky's (3/4A) Nonna, Donna Cardamone who sadly passed away last week. Donna was a much loved member of the St Brigid's School and Parish communities. Donna attended St Brigid's Primary School as a child and then saw all her children and grandchildren attend St Brigid's as well.  For many years Donna was the cleaner at our school.  We will miss Donna's smiling face at our Assemblies, Grandparents Days and Masses.  May she rest in peace.


Yours in partnership.


Wendy Sullivan
