Wellbeing Matters

Creating Futures Together

Useful Resources for Students and Families


Headspace: 24/7 phone counselling service for 12 to 25 year old’s. 

P: 1800 650 890 



E-Headspace: 24/7 online counselling service for 12 to 25-year old’s. 



Beyondblue: 24-hour Phone and online counselling for mental health. 

P: 1300 22 46 36 


Beyondblue also have a series of podcasts on various topics.   



Lifeline: 24-hour phone crisis support and suicide prevention services. 

P: 131 114 



Kids Help Line: 24/7 free phone and online counselling for 13 to 25-year old’s. 

P: 1800 55 1800 



Q-Life/Switchboard: Free Online and Phone Counselling, information and advice LGBTIQ peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender. 

P: 1800 184 527 



VicHealth: Health promotion enabling people to increase control and over and improve health. Physical and Wellbeing activities: https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au  


5 Ways to Wellbeing: Introducing 5 ways to improve your psychological and emotional health: https://5waystowellbeing.org.au/


1800 RESPECT: 24/7 free online and telephone counselling for Family Violence Affected Family Members. 

P: 1800 737 732 



Men’s Line: 24/7 Support, referrals and counselling for men over the phone and online. 

P: 1300 78 99 78 


Suicide Call back Line: 24/7 Phone counselling, online counselling and Video Chat. 

P: 1300 659 467 



Parent Line: State wide telephone counselling and support service for all Victorian parents and carers of children from 0-18 years. Experienced social workers, psychologists and family therapists can give families counselling and information around a wide range of parenting issues. 

P: 13 22 89 

W: Parent Line Link  


Black Dog Institute provides a free online resilience course – Mind Strength - for 14 to 16 years, as well as their parents / carers.   

This site also provides information posters – one for students and the other for parents: https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/education-services/schools/school-resources/mindstrength/ 


Blokes Psychology has offices based in Scoresby.  They are a unique service as their primary target client group are males from the age of 5 onwards – they also work with people who want to learn how to support and communicate with the males in their life: 


The Team

Celine Tsang - Student Wellbeing Leader/Counsellor 







Fosia Mohamud - Mental Health Practitioner 







Madeline Azhar - Art Therapist/Counsellor 






  Annette Paterson - PSD Coordinator (Program for Students with Disabilities) 
