Principal Team Report
Creating Futures Together
Principal Team Report
Creating Futures Together
Over the past few weeks we have engaged with many members of our community through various events held by the College. Connecting with our broader community is so important as it further strengthens the partnership between parents/care givers and the school, which in turn has a positive impact on student experiences as we are all united in the learning vision for success at our College.
On the 11th February we held a VCE information evening where Dr Michael Lyristis presented valuable information to students and parents/carers about the structure and expectations of VCE and the Vocational Major. This forum also provided the opportunity for questions to be fielded and Michael also introduced members of the Senior School Team so that parents could meet the staff who are supporting their young adults in the senior sub school.
On 18th February the Middle School held a Middle School Information evening that was presented by James Meaker who is the Leader of Middle School. James presented a range of information relevant to the Middle School setting. We thank all students, parents/carers for attending these events as it gives us the opportunity to further connect with each other. This further cements our shared purpose of supporting the young people that you have entrusted to our care each day in the provision of education and the instilling of values that will serve them well as lifelong learners.
On February 14th we had our first whole school College assembly where the focus was on celebrating and hearing from our high achieving students from 2024. Jasmine Hamilton, Shay Coxhead, Hannah Wright and Chloe Burley, who were all from the Class of 2024 shared aspects of their high school learning journey and how they approached their year 12 studies to achieve a high level of success. We would like to thank Jasmine, Shay, Hannah and Chloe for their insightful reflections and we hope that all current students were able to take something from what was shared to enact within their own learning journey. Please see below for transcripts of Jasmine’s and Shay’s speeches.
Intensive School Support ( ISS)
Our school will be participating in the Department’s new Intensive School Support Initiative over the next two years. As part of this, our school will receive prioritised support of an ISS Senior Leader. Jeremy Ludowyke, an experienced reviewer and former principal, will support us with the alignment of our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) and the support offered by Region and DE. This will involve visiting the school, focus groups and observations some time in Term Two. Please see last Newsletter for our focus points.
This week the Principal Team attended the Term One Inner East Area Principal Forum. This day provided us with the opportunity to hear updates from Department Executives and Regional leadership on issues impacting on education in Victoria such as Erika Bienert
(Executive Director of the Inner East), and Karen Money (NEVR Director). It also enabled us to undertake some reflective practice and further learning regarding the implementation of the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0 (VTLM 2.0). Throughout the afternoon we worked with Education Improvement Leaders to unpack the VTLM 2.0 and the relationship that exists between the elements of learning with the elements of teaching. This is not an instructional model but rather, a model of how Teaching and Learning occurs. Schools have 3 years to have this fully implemented and at WHSC we are well placed to meet this timeframe.
Judy Anderson
Assistant Principal