Year 2 Team

We’ve had a fantastic start to the term, and our Grade Two students have been busy settling into their new classes, making friends, and engaging in exciting learning experiences!
In English, we have been exploring emotions and family history, helping students understand and express their feelings while also learning about their backgrounds. It has been wonderful to hear their stories and see their enthusiasm in discussions and writing activities.
“We read a book called Amazing Grace, and I have the same name” - Grace
In Core Literacy, we have been revising digraphs, strengthening our understanding of letter combinations and their sounds to enhance reading and spelling skills.
“Last Friday, I thought that I wasn’t going to do it, but I did it” - Christopher
“We have been using the dictionaries in Core Literacy” - Nisith
In Math, we have been working with numbers up to 1000 and exploring statistics. We have also learned how to read and interpret data in different ways. The students have enjoyed collecting and organising information to create their graphs and charts!
“I like making bar graphs” - Shivan
“I like making table graphs” - Nisith
“I have enjoyed collecting my own data by asking questions” - Sally
In Wellbeing, our focus has been on settling into new classes, fostering a positive classroom environment, and establishing routines that support a happy and successful year ahead.
“I have enjoyed being with my frieends” - Stevie
“I have enjoyed playing with my friends” - Ryder and Dallas and Cohen
“I have enjoyed learning so I can get smarter” - Marlee
“I have enjoyed learning new things” - Hendrix
We are incredibly proud of the students' enthusiasm and effort so far. Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to more great learning over the rest of the year!
Year 2 Team - Mykaelah Thorne, Jessica Bunke, Brendan Hodge and Nicole Williams