Religious Education 

& Wellbeing News 


On Wednesday, all students attended the Ash Wednesday Mass with Sacred Heart parishioners.  A special mention to the the Year 5 & 6 students who sat with their Foundation buddies and quietly explained what was happening with kindness and care. 


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the 40 days of Lent where Catholics prepare for

 Easter. This can occur through: 

  • PRAYER coming to greater clarity in our lives  
  • FASTING simplifying our lifestyles 
  • ALMSGIVING reaching out to those who are poor



This Lent, we are called to Unite Against Poverty through Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. By donating to a Project Compassion donation box you’ll be answering the Gospels’ call to care for our global family and walk alongside the most vulnerable.

Your generous support this Lenten Season will enable Caritas Australia to provide life-changing support to communities facing poverty, food insecurity, lack of education, and water shortages, while building resilience against future challenges. Together, through faith and action, we can bring hope and opportunity to those most in need.


Take Care,


Wellbeing & RE Leader