Classroom News 

Foundation News

Smashing the Syllables

In English this week the students have been learning about syllables. Syllables are parts of words and it has been a lot of fun discovering how many syllables we have in our names.

Did you know that Valentina has 4 syllables in her name? Le ru o has 3, as does Ro me o and Kath e rine. The students are learning about how breaking words into syllables helps with their understanding of words.

Home Readers

Thanks to all parents for a seamless introduction to the home reader. It has been fantastic seeing all the children return their home readers each day, getting a chance to read books with a focus on the different letters of the alphabet. Thanks for your help in this!

Our Word Wall
We use these to help us count!
Pattern Making in Maths
Our Word Wall
We use these to help us count!
Pattern Making in Maths


Congratulations to this week's award winners in Foundation; Henry for great work concerning syllables (he told us that astronomical has 5 syllables!) and to Jacob for being a kind and giving person to others. Well done to both boys!

Year One 

Home Learning Bag

Keep an eye out for these this week. They will go home on Friday!


This week we learnt about the season of Lent and how it important it is for us in a catholic school. We made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and went to Ash Wednesday.  

We changed our prayer cloth to PURPLE on our prayer table and started our 40 day count down to Easter Sunday.

Year 2/3

Hello Families,

It is hard to believe we are in week 6. This first half of the Term has gone by so quickly. This week being a very special time in the Catholic calendar we learnt about Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday) and Ash Wednesday. Thank you to Joseph and Cettina for contributing items to make the pancakes. We all had a wonderful time making pancakes in class and they were very delicious. Francesca was an amazing chef and cooked the pancakes to perfection. In week 7, it is our Class Mass on Tuesday the 7th of March at 9am. Families are welcome to come. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.



Year 3/4  

In Art this term, we have explored an indigenous artist Dhambit Munumgurr’s paintings. Students were asked to consider the colours used, and what the colours and shapes reminded them of. In her painting ‘Djirikitj-Wop’ the students were able to identify the different shades of blue, discussing how to make the different shades using only blue, white and black.  

Djirikiti-Wop by Dhambit Munumgurr's
Djirikiti-Wop by Dhambit Munumgurr's

Following this lesson, students planned and created their own painting using Dhambit Munumgurr’s ‘Djirikiti-Wop’ as inspiration. Students were able to make their own painters palette with the different tones of the colour they were using. 







Year 4/5 and Year 5/6

This week, we began the season of Lent. On Shrove Tuesday, we celebrated with pancakes as part of the tradition of using up rich foods before the fasting season of Lent begins. On Wednesday, the students attended Ash Wednesday Mass at the church and everyone received ashes on their foreheads. This tradition allows us to reflect as we prepare for the 40 days of Lent, thinking about Jesus' sacrifice. Students thought about what they might give up during this season of Lent.


In class, the students have also been learning about Judaism, as we explore the faith and traditions of Jesus. Through small group research, the Year 4/5 and 5/6 students have been gaining insight into the beliefs, customs and practices that were a part of Jesus’ life. It’s been a busy but enriching week, filled with lots of learning and spiritual reflection.


This week, we have been collaborating with the Year 4/5s and had so much fun learning together! We explored Judaism, discovering its traditions and important celebrations. We also learned about Shrove Tuesday, a day when people make and eat pancakes before Lent begins because back in the olden days they used to fast and they would use all their extra that would spoil so they wouldn't waste anything, so they would make something similar to pancakes! Lent is a special time when some people give up things they love for 40 days to prepare for Easter. It was really interesting to learn about different beliefs and traditions, and working with the Year 4/5s made it even more exciting!

By Gail and Tiffany

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts. We don't eat any rich foods. We get eggs, milk, flour and butter and mix it together to make delicious pancakes. We don't waste any rich foods. I really enjoyed eating the pancakes in our class. 

By Tristan

This week, we have been doing many collaborative activities with the 4/5 and our class like having pancakes on Shrove Tuesday as one of the traditions people do before Lent starts. We have also been learning about Judaism. One of the things we learnt is a wall called The Wailing Wall, also known as the Western Wall. The wall was built for people to come from all over the world and for them to pray. Often they write prayers on small pieces of paper and place them in the cracks of the wall. It's a place of reflection and connection with God. While it’s particularly meaningful in Jewish tradition, it also holds significance for people of other faiths, as it is built near the Temple Mount, which is honoured in both Christianity and Islam.

By Raffaele, Emmastacia and Aleisha

Shrove Tuesday is the day when people eat pancakes. In the olden days, Jesus went into the dessert and fasted for 40 days, so he didn't eat anything. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent.

By Mia

It was really fun on Shrove Tuesday this week. We worked with the Grade 4/5s and did a ton of activities. We learnt a lot about Judaism, and how to follow Jesus' steps. On Ash Wednesday, Lent starts. Jesus started his journey after Ash Wednesday and ended on Easter. The gap between them is 40 days, Jesus fasted for the whole 40 days in the desert. So to respect Jesus's willpower, we need to sacrifice something for the effort he made so that's why we chose to give up something for the 40 days of lent.

By Veer, Anh and Mohammad

In Religion, we have been learning about the Jewish culture, especially focusing on the practices of their prayers. It has been quite interesting learning about their ways. My partner and I have been researching about the Wailing Wall. It is a very historical and significant site.

By Nirav

This week, we’ve been learning about Judaism. Judaism is one of the oldest religions, teaching belief in one God. Jewish people follow the Torah, their holy book. Judaism is the most similar religion as the Catholic faith. They both share the same God but Judaism believes the chosen one hasn’t come to earth yet, but on the other side, Catholics believe that the chosen person is Jesus! We had learnt alot about Judaism and their faith, we hope that our class could work like this more in the future! This Wednesday, we celebrated Ash Wednesday and started Lent! This is the time when the Christians and Catholics think about how they can be a better person. So on Ash Wednesday, people go to church and get the ashes of a cross as a symbolic act of repentance. This reminds them that they are not perfect and need to be sorry for their wrongs they’ve done. So on Wednesday March 5th, today the whole school went to the church and got our foreheads and marked them with ashes!

By Allie and Stephanie

We have been learning all aboutJudaism and the prayer practices of the Jewish people. e have been going on websites and writing facts in our own words. My partner and I have been researching about the Bar Mitzvah. It is a special celebration when Jewish boys turn 13. 

By Layla

For the last three days, we have been doing activities related to Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and researching Judaism. On Shrove Tuesday we had pancakes with lots of toppings to decorate our pancakes. We celebrate this because of Lent. Lent is where we give up something we love. On Ash Wednesday, we go to church to get our ashes on our heads because god wants us to return to him. It's also the first day of Lent in the christian calander. And finally, Judaism. The 4/5s and 5/6s have been researching Judaism. Judaism is one of the other religions other than Catholicism. Judaism is the world’s oldest Abrahamic religion and it’s almost 4000 years old. There are about 15 million followers and they are called Jews. The Torah book is the most important holy book of Judaism.

 By Lauren and Jasmine


I made a special card for Mark and I hope he likes it. I made it because we are all going to miss him as a leader and a principal. I hope he comes back just for a few visits. 

By Samantha