Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
God of goodness and mercy,
Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you. Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul, noticing the times I turn away from you. Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love. May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace. Transform me this Lent, heavenly Father. Give me the strength to make myself 100% available to you every day as I prepare for Easter.
I would like to take the opportunity of my last newsletter, to reiterate the sentiments expressed in my letter to the community a few weeks ago. It has been a privilege to be part of the Sacred Heart Community. As the first school to give me an opportunity to teach, my wife's primary school, the church in which my wife and I were married, our children Baptised and work with my mentor in leadership Sister Gabriel, my first principal, it has been an integral part of my life and has had a profound effect on who I am as a person.
Despite its foibles, I am a firm believer in Catholic Education, an education that embraces people and students of all faiths and celebrates what we have in common. This has been the Sacred Heart I have been part of, and the Sacred Heart that will continue to nourish the community in the years to come.
Thank you to the beautiful students I have had the privilege to help educate these past seven years, thank you to the magnificent families who have worked with such consistent informed trust and cooperation to achieve the best results for their children our students, and thank you to the dedicated, passionate staff of Sacred Heart.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Can I say how impressed I was with our students reverent behaviour at Ash Wednesday Mass earlier this week. The pictures above show Marty demonstrating to his students how to bless themselves with Holy Water at the conclusion of Mass.
Staffing Changes
With Antoinette taking on the Acting Principal role as of Tuesday until the end of term two, some staffing changes have been necessary. These changes have been made in light of the need to mimimise any disruption to our students learning and to provide leadership support for Antoinette by reallocating her previous roles.
Deputy Principal - Marty Fitzpatrick (Lauren Parmenter will now take the Foundation Class every Wednesday)
Numeracy Leader - Rosetta Rametta (formerly Marty)
Literacy Leader - Ann O'Brien
Good Samaritan and Academic Award Recipients
Congratulations to our incredible students who were recognised at yesterday's assembly for their achievements in the classroom and their caring selfless behaviour. Very well done.
New Chromebooks
Thanks to mum Cettina who runs our uniform shop, we are in the process of ordering 18 new Chrome Books (approximately $500/each) for our students. This purchase of chrome Books will be paid entirely by the uniform shop profits. What a wonderful thing for our students.
Outdoor Library
Our outdoor library has been a big hit so far this week with out two student librarians, Ava and Sharlotte doing a great job of ensuring all is well everything book related.
Foundation Class 2026 Enrolments
Some of our male siblings joining us in Foundation in 2026.
GKR Karate school will again visit our school on Thursday the 20th March. On this day we have our next school assembly. For parents who are interested, the GKR Karate people will be available after school to talk about their classes. We already have a number of students who are part of this Karate School.
Yours Sincerely