Year 5 Science News
David Smith
Year 5 Science News
David Smith
This term in year 5 Science we are excited to partner with Fraser Rigby through the CSIRO STEM in Schools Partnership programme. Fraser is a systems engineer with Nova Systems and brings a world of experience into our F14/F15 Science classroom. Fraser is also a parent in the LNPS school community.
The CSIRO programme allows mentors like Fraser to come into the school on a regular basis and help students plan, design and build projects that allows hands-on learning that matches the curriculum. Term 1 is all about forces. Fraser brings his experience in aerospace into the classroom as he has guided us into making small flying objects and challenging students to modify their designs for better flight time.
Their next project is a balloon rocket, seeing who can design, test and modify their designs to make their rocket fly the furthest.
This is the first time that we have partnered with CSIRO and we appreciate Fraser’s generosity with his time.