School News
TERM 1 WEEK 6 2025
School News
TERM 1 WEEK 6 2025
Over the past few weeks, we have seen an increase in litter in the yard. It is important to keep our wonderful school environment clean, and one way we can do this is by reducing the amount of packaging we use. This, in turn, reduces litter in the yard and waste in our bins.
To help us take the next step in reducing our waste footprint, we kindly request that families have a large focus on Nude Food. Nude Food is when recess and lunch are put into labelled reusable containers.
We ask that families focus on reducing our waste footprint by using reusable containers as much as possible.
We appreciate everyone's support with this approach so we can reduce our waste footprint.
Congratulations to the Tietz Family, Grace M5 and Miles R8 who won the Early Bird Raffle - a refund of $239!!
A reminder all Material and Service fees are due by 31 March 2025, unless a payment plan is in place.
If a payment plan is required, please collect forms from the front office. School Card Forms are also available and must be completed every year, you can also apply online.