School News 

TERM 1 WEEK 6 2025

Week 6 Update!

We've reached the halfway point of Term 1, and what a busy and productive few weeks it has been! A major highlight has been our school-wide focus on the "Aim High Expectations" and our Learner Qualities.


It's been really exciting to witness the explicit teaching of these values and qualities in every classroom. Our students and teachers are actively engaged in building a shared understanding and language, ensuring that everyone knows and understands our expectations and approaches to learning.


By focusing on these core principles, we are creating a positive and supportive learning environment where every student can thrive. We are seeing students actively demonstrate our learner qualities in their daily interactions and learning activities, which is incredibly rewarding.


We encourage you to continue the conversations at home, reinforcing the importance of our Aim High Expectations and Learner Qualities. Together, we are building a strong foundation for success!


This year, LNPS is celebrating our 65th year. As was mentioned last year through our Governing Council, we are beginning to plan our acknowledgment and celebration. To support this, the Governing Council has established a 65th Anniversary Committee.  We have many parents and former scholars who are part of the committee, and if you would be interested in volunteering, please email


As part of the celebration, you may have noticed that the logo on our school uniforms has changed as we are transitioning back to the traditional LNPS logo. LNPS has a proud tradition dating back to 1960 when the school first opened. From what we have been able to find, this logo was introduced sometime during the 1960s. 


There is an amazing backstory to this logo. The sun and its rays, along with the airplane, symbolise our close proximity to the airport, and this is also connected to our school motto, "Aim High".  At the bottom, we have brown to represent soil and celery plants. Many people ask why we would have this on the school logo! Well, the school was actually built on land that was previously a celery farm, and this is an acknowledgment of the rich history of market gardening in the area. 


This is a great story that provides history and a connection with our local community. If you are an old scholar of LNPS or have family members who were and have any further background on the logo, please let us know. 


In the coming newsletters, we will be sharing further historical stories that we have discovered as we plan for the 65th Anniversary Celebration. 

Learning Conferences

Learning  Conferences will be occurring with families and students during Weeks 8, 9 and 10 (17th March to 4th April)


Students, family members, and teachers will:

  • Reflect upon and discuss Learner Quality reflection

  • Identify Learner Quality goals and collaboratively develop evidence to demonstrate success 

  • Discuss English and Mathematics goals, sharing strategies to support this learning at home and at school 

  • Discuss strategies to ensure goals are met

As per usual, if families have queries regarding their child’s learning at any stage of the year, they are invited to make contact with staff.


All bookings will be undertaken through this code bv32x and will be open to families from Friday 7th March at 3pm until Friday 14th March at 3pm . If you any support with booking, please contact your child's classroom teacher. 

Morning and Afternoon Yard Duty

Each morning and afternoon, we have a Leadership Team Member on yard duty from 8:30 to 8:50 and 3:10 to 3:25. This is to support morning drop-off, afternoon pick-up and provide duty of care. This is often done in collaboration with parents and families. 


Please be aware that both playgrounds are closed every morning and are only accessible after school with parent supervision. The Grounds Shed at the back of the oval is also out of bounds at all times. 


We appreciate everyone's support in ensuring that your child/ren, and our students are safe at these times.



Tyson, Mirjana and Anton