3/4 News

What is enough...???


First a quick overview of what we are doing then I am going to hand this over to our reporters from the Zoo Snooze on the next page….


We have continued to explore Bible stories; discussing the theme of ENOUGH! Am I enough to be the David in a fight with a Goliath, such as when I see homelessness, inequality or someone sad. The wedding at Cana; when do I feel I have run out of …. time, patience, energy … have I enough to go on, to  try a bit more. God will help us if we ask, just like Mary asked of Jesus. BIG questions indeed!


We shall soon be moving onto Christmas and asking the question is it ‘Xmas or Christmas’ in today's modern world. Luckily we have some deep thinkers in our level and exploring these questions is so amazing.


As you may know by now our Inquiry unit has turned to making an exceptional animal enclosure for a zoo animal. At the zoo we learnt all about how they make the animals enclosures as similar as they can to their natural environment. They also taught us how they look after the animals through rewards and training and that they provide games and fun for the animals so that they don’t get bored or stressed. We look forward to seeing the finished enclosures to see how much the children learnt and have remembered.


Our literacy focus has moved from persuasive to procedural texts which also encompasses our Inquiry project with information texts and labelling diagrams. We have used our experience at the Zoo to explain how we set up our tents. Which things did we do firstly, secondly, then finally. We will now create a plan to make our animal enclosure. 


We have been investigating volume and capacity in Maths and now understand that Volume is the AMOUNT OF SPACE something takes up and that capacity is THE AMOUNT SOMETHING CAN HOLD. Once we think about it like that it is much clearer. Every shape has volume and only hollow things have capacity. We hope you enjoyed the homework tasks finding objects. We now move onto mass. Not the church going kind but… the amount of matter or substance in an object; not to be confused with the idea of ‘weight’, which refers to the pull of gravity upon that matter or substance. The standard unit of mass is the kilogram. 


Wow ...what a busy time we are having. 

Please be mindful in these busy times that we all need rest, down time, good nutrition and to look after ourselves. If your child is feeling unwell please keep them at home. Coughs and colds, and yes the Corona Virus, are passed around very easily.  If your child has symptoms please keep them home to rest and recover.


3/4T had their last visit to Nagle Kinder today. It has been fabulous to visit he little people there and to develop a bond with them. Next week we will take 3/4L for their last visit and the week after that 3/4CM will have their last turn. We have enjoyed building our relationship with Tess and Nina too. We can’t wait to see some of the kinder kids at school here next year as our Prep buddies.



💖please remember to send in donations for the Christmas hampers

💻 iPads are needed fully charged, at school, everyday 


Cheers for now,

Joanne Collins on behalf of the 3/4 Team 



Tiffany Levy         tlevy@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Matilda Tench    mtench@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Joanne Collins    jcollins@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Jacque Murphy   jmurphy@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au






















from Joanne Collins on behalf of the 3/4 Team


Tiffany Levy         tlevy@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Matilda Tench    mtench@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Joanne Collins    jcollins@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au

Jacque Murphy   jmurphy@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au