Year Adviser News

Year 8 Year Adviser - Amyleigh Elliot

Term 4 has been a fast-paced term that has been filled with lots of fun activities for Year 8. They spent the first few weeks finishing off year 7 by completing their yearly exams. 


We then had spirit week in week 5 that was a fun filled week with lots of fun activities. Year 8 spent a day at Sydney Zoo where they were able to move around the zoo and see all of the different animals located right near our school. We then had team building activities, minute to win it games and student vs teacher sport. Year 8 did myself and Mr Sondaar proud during these events with Year 8 students representing the year group and showing how good they are sports and problem solving. 


MADDFEST was another fun activity that occurred during Spirit week and in true Year 8 style many students showcased their amazing talents on stage. The final day of spirit week was by far the best with carnival rides, reptile shows and a whole school Nutbush dance on the bottom oval. 

Year 9 Year Adviser - Allyssia Timbs

Welcome to year 9!


Year 9 have really hit the ground running this term with the commencement of their elective subjects. It's been so wonderful to see students really engaging in subjects they are so passionate about. 


This term students also got to take part in our first ever Evans High Spirit Week! Throughout the week students got to take part in a range of activities and presentations as a year group. This allowed for such a great opportunity for students to bond with each other and their teachers and take part in activities we wouldn't usually get the opportunity to take part in. 


A reminder to all students, that the homework centre is up and running every Tuesday morning from 7:30-8:30 and every Thursday afternoon from 2:45-4:45. If you would like a permission note, please come and see me in the PDHPE staffroom. The uniform shop is also open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for all your uniform needs. Uniform can also be purchased on our school website.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a safe and happy break and I cannot wait to see what 2023 has to offer!

Year 10 Year Adviser - Gemma Hanlon 

Welcome to Year 10! We have had such a busy year and it has seemed to have flown past. In week 5 we participated in our very first Spirit Week, it was great to spend so much time with the year group on a wide range of activities throughout the week.  Some of the activities included bowling/laser tag, teacher vs student oztag and soccer and also our carnival day. I was once again impressed with the behaviour and involvement of the entire year group through the whole week.


Congratulations to our new student leaders, Ella, Tegan, Kayzier and Mia R.  


Term 1 2023 proves to be just as busy as this year, with a number of assessments due in weeks 5 and 6 and half yearly exams at the end of term 1, as well as our swimming carnival in week 5.


I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday, and I am looking forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Year 11 Year Adviser - Maati El Hafiane

I would like to say a big congratulations to all Year 10 students on the year that has just passed. This cohort has been extremely resilient after the past few years, and it has been great to see school get back to normal and to see all the students thriving. 


This year has been filled with a number of events in which Year 10 took part such as musical performances, sporting gala days, Haka Warriors and other extra-curricular activities. It's great to see all students getting involved and wanting to find their strengths and participate in it. This year group is such a vibrant year group with so many different personalities and it is enjoyable to come to school every day and see how much the students are enjoying themselves. 


Ms Espejel and I are extremely proud of each and every one of you and we look forward to the next two years to see you all to continue to grow and become successful. To those students who are moving on to other pathways, we wish you the best in your future endeavors. 


Students have begun HSC1 and are now the seniors of Evans High School. We have so much to look forward to next year with a lot of planning taking place for school jerseys and formal in 2024. 


Thank you to Ms Marasinghe for all your support as Head Teacher of the year group and I would like to wish Ms Espejel he best as she is expecting baby #2 in December. 


I hope everyone had a nice end to 2022. 2023 will be an even better year and I'm excited to see everyone in the new year. 

Year 12 Year Adviser - Rhys Murphy 

Term 4 has started with gusto for the class of 2023. Already students are busily working away on all manner of assessment tasks and achieving some pleasing results. I would like to to remind parents and guardians that if possible, to ensure that they are chatting with students regularly regarding things like assessments and patterns of study. This is extremely helpful in ensuring that students stay on top of their workload and are completing the necessary amount of school work in order to achieve success in their Higher School Certificate. Another reminder that students have access to Homework Centre after school, as well as a number of useful tips in their student diaries in order to assist with their workload.


I would like to personally acknowledge the hard work of students in the year 2022. I look forward to seeing everyone back ready to go for their final year of schooling!