Deputy Principal Report

A message from the Deputy Principal

Ms Jasmin Jones

Term 4 is always a very busy term at school, assessments are finalised, reports are written, there are celebrations of student achievements and the excitement of the summer break nearing.


I have been fortunate to start at Evans High School as Deputy Principal this term and have been warmly welcomed by staff and students alike. I have been most impressed with how wellbeing underpins everything at the school. Staff work hard to make sure students are receiving an excellent education in a safe and supportive learning environment, and extra opportunities are provided to students, so they understand how to access help and how to reach their full potential. Our school really does give students the tools to thrive.


During Week 5, we celebrated Spirit Week. It represented the end of the curriculum year for our students but also provided them with information to help improve their health and study skills. Excursions, games, and an amazing carnival afternoon were organised for students. They were exciting activities, but they also gave students the chance to interact with staff outside of the classroom and just have fun. It was a very positive week where many students learned the importance of our school expectations of respect, trustworthiness, and motivation.


Students began their new curriculum year in Week 6, and even though it was Term 4, and the holidays were near, teacher expectations remained high, and students were working hard in class.


Year 12 students started their HSC course this term and have been issued the Rules and Procedures for the HSC 2023 which they need to know. Year 12 is a challenging year. To be successful it is all about organising time, keeping a healthy mind and body, and keeping in front of the requirements of each course. It is very important that students attend school and complete all their assessment tasks, so they meet the outcomes for each subject. It does not matter which subject students study, a positive attitude and strong work ethic are skills they can take with them to work, TAFE and university. Our Head Teacher Secondary Studies has started speaking with senior students to prevent them falling behind in their work and will continue supporting them in 2023. However, we encourage students to talk to their teachers and solve problems before they become too stressful.


Every student at Evans High School has also been given the opportunity to set learning goals. Our Head Teacher Welfare organised for students to speak with teachers about their strengths, their attendance, areas they would like to improve and the support they needed. Parents were also invited to attend an evening meeting where they could discuss their child’s goals with a member of staff. In the future, goal setting may be incorporated into Parent/Teacher evenings so we can all work together to support student achievement.


With a busy 2022 behind us, I would like to wish you all the very best for the new year. I look forward to meeting more families next year and hope that 2023 is a year of good health and wonderful new experiences for us all.


Mrs J. Jones

Deputy Principal