Principal Report

A message from the Principal

Ms Nerina Pretlove

Happy New Year to everyone and a very warm welcome to our Year 7 families and those who have joined us in the Intensive English Centre.


Year 7 have spent their first week team building and finding their way around timetables, meeting new teachers, making friends and, of course, discovering a big school. This coming week will see them engaged in their subjects and academics and we look forward to seeing them grow as learners and amazing young people over the next six years.


Congratulations to our HSC 1 students, who with their teachers, have navigated their way through the first term of their Preliminary studies and will be joining our current Year 12 students in their HSC from Term 2. Both groups will be undertaking the same exams at the end of this year; HSC1 in three and HSC 2023 in six subjects.


The Evans Intensive English Centre (the largest in NSW) continues to grow with the increase in immigration post the Covid restrictions. We continue to welcome the new students and their families from across world. They add a richness and contribute character to our school life.


There is still much construction happening around our school. The school hall renovations are about half way through and we are really looking forward to welcoming you all to the opening of this amazing space which will allow for the showcasing of student excellence in performance across music, dance, drama and the Arts and Technologies and as a place for the celebration of academic and sporting excellence. A new kitchen will replace one that has not been modernised since the school was built. During the holidays, we were finally able to have the basketball cola painted and resurfaced and the outside courts will be finished later in the term – weather pending, of course.


We welcome new staff in Maths, HSIE and PDHPE who bring exceptional skills, experience and passion to their work. We have also had to say good-bye to others at the end of last who have moved on. Throughout the year there will be opportunities to meet with your children’s teachers at parent and teacher nights, subject selection evenings, open nights, whole school events and other celebratory occasions.


Unfortunately, Covid-19 is still with us and we request that you monitor your children’s health and keep us informed of any infections by immediately contacting the school upon diagnosis. Students are allowed to wear masks and we have plenty upon request.


Once again, welcome to an exciting year and we look forward to meeting with you over the coming months.


Nerina Pretlove
