Junior School

Beau Casson Visit

On Wednesday afternoon, 6Blue and 4Blue, who are buddy classes, were lucky enough to be treated to a talk by Beau Casson ('99). Beau, a former Trinity Boy who graduated in 1999, came to speak to the boys about his wonderful experiences at Trinity College, his journey through state and test cricket, as well as how he battled through adversity with a heart condition to play Test Cricket for his country. A few of the boys even got to wear his prized Baggy Green.


Beau’s story of persistence and courage is something we hope resonates with all of our boys on their TC journey. Thanks for coming to speak to us, Beau.

Junior School Presentation Night

If you haven’t already done so, please mark in your calendar the Junior School Presentation Night on Friday, 25 November. There is an expectation that all boys will attend this evening. Ticketing forms and further information about the evening will be sent out next week. Classes will conclude at 12:45pm on that day.

Year 6 Camp

Year 6s will be out on Camp for the first three days of next week. We are all looking forward to a great time at Forest Edge. We wish all the boys and teachers a happy and safe time.

Catholic Life Education Incursion Year 6

Upon their return from Camp, the Year Sixes will take part in the Catholic Life Education incursion as part of their Religious and Health Education.

2023 Class Placements

Thank you to all the parents who have sent in requests for their sons for 2023.  We will do our best to honour as many of these as possible.

2023 New Student Orientation

The new student Orientation morning for students commencing in 2023 will take place on Friday, 4 November. Most boys will be wearing their faction sports’ uniforms on this day unless they are involved in tours or support for the new students. Mr Le Tessier will have notified these boys.  


A big thank you to the Year 4 parents who are providing morning tea for the new parents and to the volunteer parents who will be assisting with the parent morning tea. As always, our community works together to make the Junior School work so well.

Summer Sport

This week was a sports bye.  Next week our fixtures are against Hale.