Student Voice

Victorian Young Leaders: Global Youth Forum
A selected group of Year 9 students participated in the Victorian Young Leaders: Global Youth Forum last week.
This event was run by the Department of Education along with the Asia Education Program, which is linked to Melbourne University.
During the week, over 70 Victorian schools, as well as 50 schools from Asia participated and interacted online.
It was a fantastic effort from our students, talking to students from a range of schools including India, Malaysia and Indonesia. They were lucky enough to hear from a range of guest speakers, as well as discussing issues and developing strategies to address these issues.
Asher Stone, one of the PSC students involved in the forum, was amazed that the students taking part from India were there at 4am. Asher said that it was their choice to be there at that time, so that they would be online for our 9am AEST start. "Their determination was remarkable. They put in a lot more than I thought."
Asher has been thinking about the program constantly since it finished, and has come up with some creative ideas, all due to his involvement in the program.
Shaivi from 9.2 found the forum very interesting. "It gave me the opportunity to meet people from other countries and the confidence to speak to people".
The interactive, cross-curricular, three-part learning program was designed to deepen the Year 9 students’ understanding of what it means to be a global citizen, culture and identity, strengthen their leadership skills, general capabilities, including intercultural capability, and activate student voice and agency.
On the 5th December, the students will visit the Melbourne University to attend debrief activities with students from other Victorian schools who participated in the Global Forum.
Asher is very much looking forward to this feedback session, "as it will also give us a chance to see how they work at the University of Melbourne".
Free Dress Day for the John Mc Foundation Organised by 10.6
As part of our course, the students in 10.6 connections class decided to organise a free dress day to raise funds for a charity of our choice. We picked the John Mc Foundation. We created posters to advertise it and put the information on the student bulletin and on social media. We asked students to give a dollar each to wear free dress. We raised over $383.10 dollars in total.
The John Mc Foundation are a not-for-profit organisation based in Pakenham and support Transit Soup Kitchen and Food Support, The Bless Collective Food Van Project, St. Vincent De Paul Society Soup Van, Paddy's Kitchen, PC3 Community Cook Up and BK 2 Basics Melbourne, which help support the homeless and families in need.
We would like to thank everyone who donated to this worthy cause.
by Rihari Rhind from 10.6
Pakenham Secondary College partners with Pakenham Warriors
Beginning in 2023, the Pakenham Warriors will be offering a before school elite training program, who are currently in Years 8 and 9 (Years 9 and 10 in 2023).
On Thursday, Coach Rob and his team came to the College to provide a free trial session for the students who had expressed an interest in the program. We have received very positive feedback from the students who took part and look forward to the beginning of the program in 2023.