Important School Information 

School Council Nominations

Schedule 4: Notice of Election and Call for Nominations – 2023


An election is to be conducted for members of the School Council of Kurnai College


Nominations open on Wednesday, 22 February with nomination forms available from each campus office and must be lodged by 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 1 March 2023.


The ballot will close at 4.00 pm on Tuesday, 7 March, 2023.


Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school. The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:

Membership category Term of office Number of positions 
Parent member From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2023 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2025



Parent member From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2023 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2024



DET employee member From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2023 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2025



DET employee member From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2023 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2024



If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school. 


Anthony Rodaughan

College Principal






Name of the School:    Kurnai College 




a)Notice of election and call for nominations

Wed, 22 February

b)Closing date for nominations

Wed, 1 March

c)Date by which the list of candidates and nominators will be posted

Thu, 2 March

d)Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed

On or before 

Fri, 3 March

e)Close of ballot

Tue, 7 March

f)Vote count

Wed, 8 March

g)Declaration of poll

Wed, 8 March

h)Special council meeting to coopt Community members (the principal will preside)

Tue, 21 March

i)First council meeting to elect office bearers (the principal will preside)

Tue, 21 March


Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to read our school’s privacy collection notice, found on our website . We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365 safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365, please contact the school. 

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. 

This information is also available in ten community languages:

Amharic, Arabic, Dari, Gujarati, Mandarin, Somali, Sudanese, Turkish, Urdu, & Vietnamese


The Australian Federal Police through the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation is seeing a concerning global trend of teenage males being targeted to send explicit images of themselves and then blackmailed. This is called sexual extortion, or sextortion.


The AFP is urging families to have important safety conversations ahead of the school holidays to prevent young people from becoming victim. This crime can have serious wellbeing and psychological impacts.


How does sextortion start?

  • Unsolicited friend and follow requests on social media
  • Direct messages on one app and then being asked to keep chatting on a secondary app
  • Conversations suddenly and quickly becoming sexualised
  • Requests for sexualised images or content. 

What can families do?

  • Have open and regular conversations about your child’s online activities and interactions
  • Know what platforms, apps and games they are using and who they are interacting with
  • Remain open and approachable, victims will be reluctant to come forward if they feel they will be punished or blamed
  • Ensure your child knows that it is okay to leave conversations if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe
  • Support your child and know how to respond. The Online blackmail and sexual extortion response kit has been created to recognise sextortion and get help. 

The Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation is here to keep young people safe from online sexual exploitation and abuse. 


You can make a report via 

For further information, resources and advice visit

School Procedures for the Bushfire Season


Schools on the Bushfire At-Risk Register and Schools at Risk of Grassfire (Category 4)


Fire danger ratings and warnings are used in Victoria to provide clear direction on the safest options for preserving life.


Schools and children’s services listed on the DET Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR) and those at risk of grassfire (Category 4) will be closed when a Code Red fire danger rating day (Catastrophic) is determined in their Bureau of Meteorology district. Our school has been identified as being one of those at high bushfire or grassfire risk.


Where possible, we will provide parents with up to four days notice of a potential Code Red day closure by Compass or SMS. A Code Red day will be determined by the Emergency Management Commissioner no later than 1.00 pm the day before the potential closure. Once we are advised of the confirmation of the Code Red day (Catastrophic) we will provide you with advice before the end of the school day.


Once confirmed, the decision to close will not change, regardless of improvements in the weather forecast. This is to avoid confusion and help your family plan alternative care arrangements for your child. It is also important to note that:

  • No staff will be on site on days where the school is closed due to a forecast Code Red day (Catastrophic).
  • School camps will be cancelled if a Code Red fire danger rating day is determined for the Bureau of Meteorology district in which the camp is located.
  • All bus routes that travel through the Code Red area will be cancelled.
  • Depending on which Bureau of Meteorology district is impacted bus route cancellations may affect our school.


On these Code Red days families are encouraged to enact their Bushfire Survival Plan – on such days children should never be left at home alone or in the care of older children.


For those of us living in a bushfire prone area, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) advises that when Code Red days are forecast, the safest option is to leave the night before or early on the morning of the Code Red day .


As part of preparing our school for potential hazards such as fire, we have updated and completed our Emergency Management Plan, re-prioritised any maintenance works that may assist in preparing for the threat of fire and cleared our facility’s grounds and gutters.


What can parents do?

  • Make sure your family’s bushfire survival plan is up-to-date and includes alternative care arrangements in the event that our school is closed.
  • Ensure we have your current contact details, including your mobile phone numbers. Keep in touch with us by reading our newsletters, by checking our website and by  talking to your child’s teacher or any other member of the teaching staff about our emergency management plan.
  • Most importantly at this time of year, if you’re planning a holiday or short stay in the bush or in a coastal area, you should check warnings in advance of travel and remain vigilant during your stay.
  • If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and your family’s bushfire survival plan.
  • You can access more information about children’s services closures on the Department of Education and Training website – see


Multiple sources that offer information on emergencies are listed below: