Message from our 

Campus Principal

Geoff Block
Geoff Block

Welcome to 2023. It has been a busy and generally positive start to the year. As usual the first part of our new school year is always a time for new students to get their heads around the different demands and expectations of the senior campus. At Year 11 it is also a time when students come together from the two Kurnai junior campuses and other schools from both inside and outside Latrobe City. So, there is the chance to meet new people over time, make new friends. Teachers have told me they are happy with the enthusiasm they are seeing in their classes as we continue to return to normal after the recent COVID past.

The Department of Education is continuing to support the Tutoring program that was introduced in 2022 to support those students most heavily impacted by the two years of lockdowns and remote learning. While we are aware of the students in Year 12 who need the support of tutors, we are still in the process of identifying where the needs exist with our Year 11 students. We hope to have this sorted within the next week but please let us know if you think your student is struggling. Some students can be very clever at hiding problems but the difficulties created at the senior level when they do this can very hard to fix.

Another option for students wanting extra help with their subjects is to access the after-school teacher support sessions on Monday and Thursday, held in the library. Teachers are available to help students with the work they are doing in their classes AND get a snack of chips or pizza, those well-known brain foods 😉. If your student(s) are finding they need help please remind them to make use of this program.   

Finally, a belated congratulations to Gabby Bonnici for being recognised as the Churchill Young Citizen of the Year at the Australia Day ceremony. Gabby is an active member of the local community band, was a school captain at Churchill Campus in 2022, is part of the Air Force Cadets and has achieved her black belt at the local Taekwondo club where she helps to teach others at the lower levels. Well done Gabby.