Learning - Whole School

We have a 4 Phase approach to our Flood Recovery, designed with input from the School Advisory Council, CES Ltd, staff and government authorities.


Phase 1: Clean up and resource set up ✅

The staff and community volunteers have been working to sort and organise the school resources in the pavilion for easy access.


Phase 2: Interim school sites to the end of 2022

Two local sites have been identified for our students and they will travel to and from these sites by bus each day. 

The timings of the morning and afternoon bus will align with the country bus runs. 

  • OLSH Elmore: Grades F/1/2
  • CMC Junortoun: Grades 3/4/5/6

Phase 3: 2023 interim school site

Parish land has been identified for an interim school site in Elmore in 2023. Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd is working with contractors to relocate portable classrooms for all children. 


Phase 4: Return to St Joseph’s school site in Rochester

We don't have a timeline for this, we do know that we won't return until the site is safe for us to do so.


Families will have many questions:

Please email: etrewick@sjrochester.catholic.edu.au with these questions. We will endeavour to answer every question in good time.


Learning with others:  Please share some photos with us. 


Amarli is learning in Gunbower. We are looking forward to seeing her on camp!