From the Principal Class Team

Principals Forum

On Thursday, 8 March the Principal Team attended the Brimbank Melton Principals Forum.  Our school was one of two that presented to the representatives of more than 60 schools in the audience.  The presentation was on our development of student voice which has been a priority for St Albans Secondary College over the past couple of years. Ms Dowsley gave an overview of how student voice has been developed at our school and introduced the three student speakers; Laura Van Keulen, Hannah Eniery and Gabriel Chan, who were part of the original team that initiated the Student Learning Advisory Team (SLAT).  To say the speech they presented was well received is an understatement, the feedback from the other schools was extremely positive and generated a great deal of discussion around how we use student voice at our school.  The three presenters were fantastic and we should be proud to have such articulate and creative students completing Year 12 at SASC.


The SLAT team consists of students from Years 7-12 and is very active in the school.They have already developed a poster that outlines the school’s Learning Cycle for each class that is displayed in every classroom.They also spoke to new staff on one of the induction days and provide feedback on the use of the Learning Cycle and make recommendations to assist us improve elements of the teaching and learning program.


National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

The College is proud to officially support the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. On Friday, 16 March, the schools Wellbeing and VCAL Teams lead the school in a day of promotion and action to continue to grow the compassionate culture of support that we have fostered at St Albans Secondary College.


During student assemblies that week, the focus was on the promotion of anti-bullying and not being a bystander. All Year 11 and 12 students were given a ‘say no to bullying’ wristband and asked to wear it on Friday to show their commitment to a bully free environment and to signify that they are there to support younger students throughout the school. On the day, the VCAL students ran a BBQ and along with SRC and Interact Club students ran activities throughout lunch to promote the school culture our students wish to foster. The students made lasting artefacts that will be on display in the library and around the school as a reminder of how to keep our school a Bully Free Zone.


Although it is important to stop on a day like this and raise awareness of the importance of stamping out bullying and violence in all areas of our lives, at St Albans Secondary College, we believe every day, is a day of action against Bullying and Violence. Our Sub School teams are committed to supporting all students and are available every day, if any student has a concern they wish to discuss. Furthermore the school has a dedicated Wellbeing Team with trained Social Workers and Counsellors who students can speak to at any time.

And finally...

We would like to wish all of community a safe and happy Easter, and wonderful term break. Looking forward to seeing the students return after the holidays relaxed and ready for Term 2.

Acting Principal - Mr Craig Jennings

Assistant Principal - Mr John Coulson

Assistant Principal - Ms Tracey D'Elton