Principal's News 

Year 12 students

Welcome to the final term of the 2018 school year! Despite the recent two week vacation, we had many Year 12 students at school over the break working diligently with their teachers in the lead up to the VCE exams. I wish our Year 12 VCE and VCAL students all the best as they complete the final stages of their secondary education during the next month or two. For our VCE students, performance exams will be taking place over the next few weeks for Languages, Music and Theatre Studies, followed by the written exams for all subjects commencing with English on October 31.

Building Update

During the final month of Term Three, there were several meetings between CSC consultative groups (comprising staff, students and school council members) and Y2 Architecture as we have commenced planning for the $11.75million completion of our school rebuild. These initial meetings focussed on determining the exact location of our new buildings, with a decision being made to locate the new Library and Administration Building closer to the visitor car park on Lawson Parade (i.e. near our current flag poles and Lawson Hall), while the Artisans’ Building and Canteen will be located on Lawson Parade, but to the east of the Administration and Library Building. At the meetings held towards the end of Term Three, we started planning the location of the separate rooms and facilities within the two larger buildings, while also planning the extension of the Performers’ Building. Planning and design work will continue over the next few months, and construction is scheduled to commence by the middle of 2019.

Safe Partying – Important Resources for all Parents and Guardians

A common query our wellbeing staff receive relates to teenage parties. Most parents are aware of the complexities of hosting teenagers’ parties or have some concerns about their teenagers attending such parties. On this note, I urge all parents to review the valuable resources produced by Victoria Police and the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF). The Victoria Police safe partying resource  ( ) contains an excellent Partysafe Program Booklet which is essential reading for any parents who are hosting a party involving teenagers. The ADF website ( ) is another valuable resource for parents. I particularly encourage all parents to read the information on “teenagers” under the “Alcohol and Drug Use” menu. Both resources contain important practical advice about keeping our teenagers safe. I also encourage parents to contact our Wellbeing Staff at school (Alli Williams, Shera Blaise and Lisa Cochrane at Blakeley Road and Melissa Laragy-Walker at Etty Street) for further advice about any issues relating to safe partying or teenage alcohol and drug use.

CSC Sharing our news


Paul Frye 
