Farewell, Ken Robinson

Principal's Report
Many members of our school community will be unaware that Ken Robinson resigned as Principal of our College at the end of 2016.
Ken made the announcement to school staff very late in 2016 and will be taking up a role as a School Improvement & Educational Leader with the Department of Education.
I wish to take this opportunity to thank Ken for his hard work, commitment & leadership over the past 6 years, and to wish him well in his new role.
Under Ken’s leadership the school has continued to develop and improve its operation.
There were many highlights but the following come to mind: the introduction of a netbook program, increased resourcing of student well-being, a renewed focus on improved teaching and learning, and the announcement of a 10 million dollar building program.
The year ahead...
The Education Department is now proceeding to undertake a Principal Selection Process that should see a new Principal appointed in mid-May.
I have been appointed to once again undertake a role as Acting Principal until an ongoing appointment is made, and I am very proud to be entrusted with that responsibility. I wish to assure our school community that the school will continue to focus on its highest priorities and deliver the best learning program for our students.
We underwent a school review in 2016 and we will ensure that the recommendations from that review are fully implemented. As a school we have a long history as a successful education provider in the Cranbourne community.
Like any successful organisation, we also recognise the areas where we can improve.
Every staff member in the school is committed to working to the highest of standards and achieving the best outcomes for our students. I look forward to working with students and their parents as we aim for another successful year in 2017.
I believe we are a better school due to the legacy left by Ken Robinson.
Acting Principal