
Apprenticeships, work trial, traineeships, casual jobs and a fulltime career!
University, TAFE and beyond.
The Careers team have had a busy few weeks, moving into our new offices in the Wellbeing block, and at the same time managing all of the careers and pathways needs of students in our college, including those things named above. We are developing our careers resource centre, collecting new and up to date information and working out the best ways to share it with the school community. We welcome students at lunchtime and recess to come to meet us. We will be running careers activities at lunch times next year. In the meantime we have been able to share our fresh new space with the Writing and Debating Club, the High Achievers Group, the SRC and Multipride, among others. We strongly believe that “careers” is more than just information about jobs and university courses – although of course that is a large part of it. However, any activity that a student undertakes outside of their regular classes can demonstrate the type of skills that employers are looking for – teamwork, organisational skills, passion, commitment, communication skills etc, and so therefore we welcome activities which require students to develop these skills to use our space.
Keep an eye out…
At this time of the year, we get requests from employers who are looking for workers, and we try to match them up with students who have expressed an interest in their field. It’s so important that students complete their Career Action Plan throughout the year so that we know who to approach when somebody from a specific industry calls up with a job offer. It’s also really important for students and their families to keep watching the compass news feed, as we often post about opportunities that we find out about. Some of the recent ones have been:
- a career experience day at RSPCA
- the Monash Mentor Scheme
- an invitation to apply for the City of Casey’s Australia Day Study Tour
- part time jobs from local providers
Did you know?
Michelle Graco, one of our career practitioners, regularly publishes a Careers Update with information hot off the press from our colleagues in the University and TAFE sectors. Courses and pre-requisties are often changing and even if you aren’t a Year 12 student yet – there might be something relevant to your future plans. Links to this newsletter will be in the news feed, and on the Cranbourne SC careers web page.
The Cranbourne Secondary Careers webpage has all the information you might want about work and further study. It also has a special student secure area, so you can create your own user name and ID, and then log in to find user friendly resources to help you create and update your resume, write a job application and prepare for an interview. Take advantage of this amazing resource today by visiting
ATAR and beyond
Our Year 12 VCE students are waiting patiently for the ATAR release on Thursday 12th December. The Careers team will be available by appointment for assistance with Change of Preference if required. All Year 12 VCE students have received a letter regarding the details for this. We would like to congratulate all our Year 12 students, both VCE and VCAL, and remind you that we are still here for you if you need career support, even if you have exited the school. Please call the office to make an appointment, or you can reach out to us via email if it’s just a quick question, or you want somebody to check a resume etc.
Carren Brennan
Career Practitioner