
In the final term of Humanities students had more exciting excursion opportunities.
Year 10 Doing the Books, Avoiding the Crooks – Talk Law program
On Thursday the 29th of August, a group of selected Year 10 students who are currently completing the Year 10 Commerce subject ‘Doing the Books, Avoiding the Crooks’ attended the Talk Law program hosted by King and Wood Mallesons on Burke Street. The day consisted of a series of workshops assisted by volunteers from the firm, as well as solicitors from ANZ. The workshops included activities on cyber-bullying (social media), the police and young people in the work place. Other activities included a tour of the facility and a mock trial at the end of the day, based around claim of unfair dismissal. Some of the students found the library tour interesting because it contained books from as early as the 1800’s to assist the lawyers in cases that needed evidence from back then, (which can’t found on search engines). But the majority of us really enjoyed the mock trial which was related to a workplace dispute and unfair dismissal.
All of the students had such a wonderful time on the excursion. We highly recommend it to the young and upcoming years.
Zoe, Zahra, Ajesh, Brandon and Hussain
Year 10 Century of Change – Immigration Museum
During week 3 of this term, students had the opportunity to visit the immigration museum and participate in the Small objects even bigger stories: Settlement stories exhibition. This exhibition focuses on Individuals who have sought refuge in Australia over the past 100 years. Students also had the opportunity to investigate the history of legislation relating to the settlement of displaced persons in Australia, using documents and individual profiles from the collection in the Museum.