
In the Maths classrooms at Cranbourne Secondary College in 2019 every attempt has been made, where possible, to link mathematical concepts to real world applications. Students have been encouraged to present work clearly and logically through skills and practical exercises in class. They have also completed a number of problem solving tasks in our dedicated Numeracy room and then reflected on the methods used in attaining their solutions.
2019 has seen the implementation of our new curriculum extended to now include the Year 7 through to Year 9 student cohorts. This new learning architecture is focused on engaging all students with the classroom work by providing a range of learning opportunities, including more collaborative work where students are able to learn from their peers and a more hands-on oriented curriculum with a focus on the maths being applicable to the real world. Students have then been able to display their understanding of the topic of work through the tiered summative assessment task (CAT) administered at the end of each term.
The Maths faculty would like to extend our best wishes to all school leavers, particular our Year 12 students who have just completed their final exams. We wish them best of luck for the future and hope they continue to develop their skills through whatever career path they may take.
Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of the various programs over the course of the year and I look forward to seeing continued growth in all our students in the years to come.
Corey O’Shea
Maths/Numeracy Leader