This is the time of year when many of us reflect of the year that was. Our school is such a busy place and there are so many highlight we can look back on. I’m going to focus on 2 major events that never fail to impress. The first is the school production which in 2019 was “Grease”, and what a show it was. Nothing seems to have an impact on participants as much as the school production, and everyone in the audience was thoroughly entertained by our terrific cast. The second area that impressed was the Art Show held at the end of October. The quality of student work seems to get better every year, and it is such a good event to be a part of. It makes the investment in the new Visual Arts Building seem very worthwhile.
I’d like to finish by informing our school community of my decision to retire at the end of 2019. After nearly 40 years in education I believe the time is right to move on to other “adventures”, but I will be very sad to say goodbye to the staff, students and members of the wider Cranbourne community. I wish everyone well for the coming festive season, and for a positive future in the years to come.
John Jovic