Community News 

How are we doing? Kilvington Communications Survey

Every year or two we seek feedback from our families about how we communicate with you. Your responses are critical so that we can continually improve and adapt to meeting your communications needs.


Here is a link to a survey where you can rate various aspects of our communications platforms and also provide feedback. It will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes.


We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Uniform fittings at Bob Stewart Bentleigh Store

Bob Stewart is now offering a 30-minute uniform fitting by appointment for the month of December after normal working hours. You can avoid the queues and book a uniform fitting online. This is in addition to their normal working hours:


Mon to Friday - 8.30am - 5.00pm

Sat - 9.30am -12.30pm


TO BOOK -  visit the Bob Stewart site and click on your school page.


Please see the attached flyer for all the details.

School booklist order dates 

  • ReadCloud (Years 7 to 10 only) - complete order by 29 January 2021.
  • Physical Resources: Years 7 to 12 Booklists
    • Years 7 to 9 (2021) - to be delivered between 4 and 22 January 2021.
  • Technology - The cycle of orders closes at 5.00pm on Friday 8 January 2021.

Information about how to order can be found here.









Holiday Reads

Here are some book recommedations from Kathryn Schravemade, the Head of Library and Digital Resourcing, to explore over the holidays!