Term 2 flew by fast! And it was certainly a very busy term.
The highlight of the last few weeks of term 2 was the Primary Swimming Program conducted at Aquanation. I enjoyed the opportunity to see the students participating in this program and to see their progress during this time. The students enjoyed a fun day on the last day of the program, and this was a great reward for their hard work and efforts over the two weeks. A big thank you to those parents who volunteered to help with change room supervision – particularly with our younger students.
During the second last week of term, the Year 5 and Year 6 students went to Phillip Island for their camp at the CYC Adventure Resort. This was a great opportunity for some fun as well as developing new skills and enjoying all God’s creation has to offer.
Semester 1 reports were emailed home on the last day of term 2. These reports provide parents with results from assessment tasks and where their children place according to the achievement standards set in the Australian Curriculum. There is also a Homeroom Report, including a rating on a five-point scale relating to the child’s Social Skills and Approaches to Learning. Much time and thought went into preparing these reports by your child’s teachers. If you haven't already, please take the time to read through the comments and details of the reports. This term, there is an opportunity to discuss the reports and any other questions you might have in Week 4, when we will be conducting parent/teacher interviews. More detail regarding these interviews will be made available shortly.
As the new term begins, may I encourage you with this quote.
“We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.”
Charles Stanley
In Touch Ministries
God Bless,
Tim Farmilo
Acting Head of Primary
Prep P
We enjoyed the swimming program in week 6 & 7 of Term 2 at Aquanation. For many of the students it was the first time they had been on a bus or had swimming lessons. We started the program with nervous excitement which was soon replace with joy and anticipation each day. It was wonderful to see the children's confidence grow over the 9-day program with every child developing lifelong water safety skills. There were many highlights although the Water Safety Day and Fun Day was a favourite of all.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep P Teacher
Prep S
In Health we are learning about our different senses. This last week we learned about our sense of taste. The children got to enjoy salty chips, sour lemon and sweet grapes - you'll see the funny facial expressions in some of the photos!
Nicole Ng & Sonia Sires
Prep S Teachers
Grade 1N
In 1N, we recently looked at a beautiful book called Wilam, which means Home. We learnt that ‘Birrarung is wilam to many’, meaning that The Yarra River is home to many. Having been on our excursion to Healesville Sanctuary, we loved seeing all the Australian animals in this book. Have a look at some awesome paintings that we did inspired by this book.
Natalie Nheu
Grade 1N Teacher
Grade 2H & 2M
The Year 2s enjoyed an amazing day at Mont De Lancey on the 27th of May, exploring an old homestead and church and learning all about the lives of people many, many years ago. The children got to see and experience an olden-day home, toys and school and could compare them to the homes, toys and schools we have today. They got to do some writing with ink and quills, have lots of fun on old go-carts and stilts, and made themselves peg figurines to play with. They even got to play skipping and tug-of-war and roll down a grassy embankment. We had the best time!
Jen Steele, Olivia Tay and Judy Hendricks
Year 2 Teachers
Grade 4V & 4C
The Year 4s enjoyed the winter swimming program and learnt more about water safety as well as improving their swimming skills. They had fun on the inflatable and the slide in our last lesson of the program. Well done to all our “aqua4students”.
Mrs Cheung and Mrs van Heerden
Year 4 Teachers
Year 5's
‘Chaotic’, ‘Crazy’, ‘Topsy-turvy’. These are some of the words used by the Year 5s to describe the last few weeks of Term 2. Like the rest of Primary, the Year 5 students participated in the swimming program at Aquanation. Some students were nervous in the beginning, however most loved the final 'fun' day and overcame their nerves.
Year 5 Teachers
Grade 6L
In 6L Maths students were challenged to design and build a 3D structure using matchsticks and blu-tack. Students tested their abilities, first, by attempting to create a truncated tetrahedron. Building upon their new-found skills, 6L Math students let their imagination run wild and created some impressive 3D structures. What do you think these structures could be used for? Well, students came up with some unique ideas for the uses of their 3D structures: a roller coaster carriage; a spaceship; a sand timer; a hand drill; a bird cage and more! Here are just some of the amazing creations.
Melanie Lepileo
Grade 6L Teacher