Australians Support Christian Schools and Religious Freedom
Research shows:
- Three out of four Australians support the right of a religious school to employ teachers and other staff who support the clearly stated values and beliefs of the school.
- Over two thirds of Australians believe that Australian laws should protect the right to hold and practice religious beliefs.
- 62% of younger voters (18-24) support this right, with the highest support (77%) in that age bracket from those with postgraduate university qualifications
- Unsurprisingly, over 88% of those actively practicing a religious faith supported these protections, but they were still supported by a majority of voters without any religious faith
Mark Spencer
CSA Director of Public Policy
Opportunity to Claim Parent Hours!
We are needing a volunteer to collect the school’s soft plastics once a week and take them to the supermarket for recycling.
You will be able to claim parent hours for this job.
Sustainability & Garden Club News
The garden is flourishing with all the wonderful rain that has fallen recently.
The bird houses are being nailed together before they receive a coat of bird-friendly paint.
Anyone wanting to purchase some fresh organic produce, it is sold Wednesday lunchtime straight from the garden and if there is anything left it is also sold after school, so don’t forget to bring a couple of dollars to make sure some fresh greens make it home.
Maria Wheelton
Primary Art Teacher & Sustainability Coordinator
SACC Netball Club Farewells Lauren
It is with great sadness that I announce that I will be stepping down as President of St Andrews Netball Club at the end of this season (August). As many of you know, I birthed this club from a group of no more than 5 girls saying they wanted to play netball together 7 years ago. We now have over 80 girls each year play netball for our club. It has been such an honour to watch this club grow and evolve. I no longer get the opportunity to come and watch your beautiful daughters train and play netball, and see their beaming faces each week. It has come time for me to say goodbye to the club I love.
Lauren Gaschk
President St Andrews Netball Club
We are always looking for more players to join our netball community. If you like to play netball or would like to learn to play, come and join one of our great teams. It not only gives you a great opportunity to increase your fitness but also a chance to make friends with girls from other grades and socialise outside of class. Registrations for 2022 Spring Season will open in late June, so stay-tuned for upcoming announcements via email and the Hub.
The Netball Committee is currently looking for new parent members. If you would like to join, or want to discuss what it involves, please contact any member of the Netball Committee.
Whilst we are very sad that Lauren is leaving, we are excited about this next chapter for the Netball Club.
St Andrews Netball Club Committee