Opening Hours
Secondary Library:
Monday to Friday: (for students in Years 5-12 only) 8.30am to 4:30pm
(for students in Year 4) 8.30am to 3.45pm
Primary Library:
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Secondary Library for access and loans.
Well Done 2M!
During our library classes, we endeavour to train the students to look after the school library books, to be mindful of others and to adopt good library routines.
One such good library habit practised is the return of library books. In the Junior Library we have a returns trolley for the students to put their books in as neatly as possible and in accordance to a general rule for where to put the big and small books. It is easier for the library staff to pick up the books from a neat pile than a messy heap.
Several years ago, Mrs Edwards put together a beautiful poster to illustrate this rule. This poster sits in the trolley as a reminder to the students.
Getting the students to put their library books neatly into the trolley is a work in progress, especially with the younger students. The students are often very excited to get that done and be seated ready for their library class to begin.
During a recent library class, one particular class did an absolutely marvellous job putting their books into the trolley. What amazed me more was that I was NOT standing next to the trolley directing the traffic of books returned, as I often do! I had something else to attend to and when I turned around to grab the books from the trolley, to my delight... the books were correctly and neatly placed in the trolley!
CONGRATULATIONS to class 2M for your amazing effort!!
Wai-Peng Heath
Library Assistant
Learning and Teaching Administration
New In The Library
This year, Library staff have encouraged students to request books that they would like to see in the library. In response to these requests, the following titles have been added to the collection and will shortly be available to borrow.
Tim Harris
Toffle Towers - Fully Booked
(Accelerated Reader)
A new series by the author of Mr Bambuckle’s Remarkables. At ten years old, Chegwin Toffle inherits a run-down hotel that has been in his family for generations. He plans to turn it into a wonderful destination for children and their parents, but running a hotel is not easy, especially for a daydreamer.
Donald Sobol
Encyclopedia Brown - Encyclopedia Brown takes the case.
(Accelerated Reader)
Encyclopedia Brown assists the police in solving seemingly insoluble cases. Can you solve these cases first?
Tui Sutherland
Wings of Fire - The Dangerous gift
(Accelerated Reader test available.)
Snowfall wants to be the best queen her tribe has ever had. Is she willing to risk everything to keep her tribe safe?
John Flanagan
Brotherband Book 9 - The Stern Chase
After most of their fleet is destroyed and the Skandians’ best ship is stolen and used to try to ruin the reputation of the tribe, Hal and his companions must retrieve the vessel and foil their enemies’ plans.
These are just a few titles that are available in the library. To see what else is available, the catalogue can be found by clicking HERE.
If you would like to recommend a book to buy, please see library staff for a “suggest a new book” form.
Lynne Marks
Head of Library and Head of Languages
Staying In The Library After School?
The Senior Library is open until 4.30pm for students in Years 6-12 who wish to study or complete homework. Students will need to sign in and out with library staff.
For students in Years 6-9, parents/guardians must contact the library by 3:45pm to let us know the arrangements for collecting their students.
Phone: 8847 8388