Lunchtime Events & Activities News

We have been so fortunate to have another jammed pack term full of fun and engaging Activities, Events and Clubs.
Over the term we have been further exploring Student Voice and Agency by holding a Student Forum for students involved within our Clubs, Activities and Events community. In this forum the students voiced their opinions and what they would like to see take place over the rest of 2022 and into 2023. It was great to see the amazing work that was done over this forum with the collaboration between staff and students.
The Lunchtime Events and Activities Team is currently in the process of planning and timetabling for Term 3.
We hope all students and families have a restful break and can’t wait to see you all back at the start of Term 3!
Some of the Term 3 clubs and activities will include:
- Bits & Bobs Club
- STEAM Club
- Music Club
- Barre Club
- Book Trivia
- Vedic Maths
- Open Gym Class
- Amigurumi Club (Japanese Crochet Club)
- Rubix Cube Clube
- Art Club
2022 Refugee Week Colouring Comp
We have recently just celebrated 2022 Refugee Week and the Lunchtime Events & Activities team launched a Refugee Week colouring competition to share awareness and education on this years theme of ‘Unity’.
Each student’s colouring sheet formed a mural with the wording of Unity.
It was great to see all of the students respond in a individual creative way to form the mural.
Winners will be announced at the start of Term 3.
To find all Promotional posters and printed timetable please see the noticeboard in the Lunch-Box.
If you have any questions , queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the coordinators listed below via TEAMs and email.
We hope to see everyone in Club , Event or Activity over the Term 3 period.
Jack Carter & Linda Robertson
2022 Lunchtime Events & Activities Coordinators