English Domain News

Year 7I - Feast of Fictional Favourites
On Wednesday 22 June, the Year 7 Enhanced English class took part in a special event called the 'Feast of Fictional Favourites'.
The Feast of Fictional Favourites is a special night where 7I present several different pieces of work they have done during the term on a book of their choice.
The student's parents, carers and friends are then invited to come and walk around, free to look and read whatever they like.
The year 7’s also dressed up as a character from their book and were prepared to answer some questions as their character.
The night, all together, went very well with a lot of different famous characters around such as Bilbo Baggins, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes and even Jay Gatsby.
The year 7’s did a very good job, and it was quite a successful night!
Jack P 7I
Rainy Day Long Weekend Writing Competition
To promote creative writing amongst our students in English we will be running regular, impromptu writing competitions inspired by happenings in the world around us.
The latest writing was inspired by the Queen's Birthday rainy day long weekend.
Thank you to everyone for the fabulous entries.
It was a very difficult decision for librarians Chloe Powell, Megan Becke and I to make but we absolutely loved reading all student writing.
Our winner was Niamh H from 8B.
I encourage all students to keep an eye on their House page as this is where I will be posting future writing competition opportunities.
Here is the story that she wrote for all to enjoy.
A rainy long weekend
Tap, tap, tap, the spitting rain patters down my window frame, the sun trying to peak through the grey clouds. The wooden floor creaks under my soft footsteps as I open my boring grey curtains fully. The chaos instantly catches my attention, people parading down the speckled stony streets with English flags in my sight everywhere. I check the date on my phone, how could I forget? The Queen’s birthday, good for her I guess, but why is everyone so excited, it’s just a birthday, and you’d think people would be used to them by now. It’s a dull, gloomy day… in summer, when it’s meant to be wonderfully bright, sunny and warm, not cold and rainy.
My name is Hannah Smith, a generic, boring name, at least it’s a palindrome ( spelt the same way backwards). Rainy days are usually fun for me, there’s so much time for me to draw and be creative, but today, everyone is so happy, and I bet my family is already out there celebrating, forgetting about me, again. A well-known public holiday, just for one person’s birthday, did you ever think maybe the Queen wants to have one day to spend with just her family and wonderfully furry corgis? No, never have I thought about that before until today, the thought running through the rolling cogs and gears in my brain. I head to my family’s too clean kitchen and quickly read over my mum’s scribbled note; we left to celebrate the Queen’s b-day. Just as I thought not bothering to wake me up and bring me with them, I place the note with all the other notes she’s ever written for me, all the words on pieces of paper, never leaving her mouth, just reminding me of how little my mum and I speak to each other now. I walk closer to the kitchen window and hear muffled shouts and cheers. I sit back at the table and choke down my cold porridge. I focus in on the sound of drizzling rain, it’s the only thing that has always been on this planet, always will be on this planet until our planet dies, the always changing weather. It can be cold, or warm, rainy or sunny but it’s all weather and always will be, the one stable thing I my life right now…..
Written by Niamh H 8B