School Events

Maths masterclass

Today our school hosted a Maths masterclass with Highvale Primary School. We had 11 students from Year 5 and Year 6 work with our visitors on investigations into patterns in numbers. Congratulations on the following students for completing the VHAP Maths: Sherlock, Vidya, Lalithran, Jayvier, Javen, Cecilia, Yiqin, Dawn, Dilmi, Charlotte, Tao and Savindu.

Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the following students who have completed the challenge! Yay!


This holiday maybe you can find some time to dive into a new novel or book. Don’t forget to log your books. Have fun reading!

Acmi trip

On Friday, June 10, twenty students from across year four to six went to ACMI to learn about writing for the screen.


We learned about four simple techniques to plan for a script, such as: ‘what if’, visual prompts, 5Ws and the Pixar technique (e.g. There once was a _______ she/he wanted to ______ but one day something changed their life______).


After learning about planning, we learnt about stakes and obstacles that the character might face. We learnt that knowing our character more helps us understand what they are feeling and facing which is important to include whiles writing about stakes and obstacles.


Once we had chosen our final topic, we began to write up a character diamond to develop our protagonist further. We did this by identifying strengths, weaknesses, fears, goals, problems and special skills.


Then we began to figure out the main points by using a story map template. In the story map we introduced characters, the main problem, crisis, climax and resolution. We divided our story map into three categories: Beginning (act one), middle (act two) and end (act three).


Overall, everyone had a great time and learned lots. 


By Aimee, Hongsong and Pareesa (4J)

Year 1 Police Academy Excursion

Year 3 to Year 6 Athletics Day

The weather held out and everyone had a great day at the recent Athletics day. There were some great performances. From these results our school team will be chosen to attend the Waverley East Sports Association event later in Term 3. Good luck. Thank you to staff and parents who assisted on the day.

School Disco

On Thursday 9th June the school Disco was held in the hall. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and helped out on the night. The students were very excited to dress up, dance with their friends and sing loudly. So good to be able to have these events again.


Great Debate in Year 6

As part of Speaking & Listening and Writing, students have been working hard, researching and working on their arguments, for and against, a range of topics, such as:

  • School should run 6 days a week.
  • The driving age should be lowered to 16.
  • Australia should become a republic.
  • Australia and New Zealand should become one country.
  • The date of Australia Day should be changed.

We uncovered some aspiring politicians during the exchanges.

Charlie Sillypants entertains Year 1/2 students

Charlie Sillypants captured the attention of his Year 1/2 student audience. He taught them about what makes a good friend. There were lots of laughs and magic as well! 


Year 5/6 Maths

Year 5/6 students enjoyed making 3D shope movies during Term 2 maths.


This year ICAS Assessments will be held in August on the following dates. These tests are optional and available to Year 3 to Year 6 students. The assessments will take place before school on the dates listed on the table. Students should arrive at 7:50 am for an 8.00 am test start time.

SubjectSitting date

Cost Per Student

ICAS WritingWednesday 10th August 8:00am


ICAS EnglishWednesday 17th August 8:00 am


ICAS ScienceWednesday 24th August 8:00am


ICAS MathematicsWednesday 31st August 8:00 am


 If you would like your child to participate in any of the subjects listed above, please visit the online Parent Payment System to make a direct payment to UNSW Global.The Online Parent Payment System closes Monday 25 July 2022. No late entries will be accepted.


The Online Parent Payment System is found at:

Please use our school’s unique access code when registering:  FGX657