From the Principal 

End of Term

We are now in the final week of Term 2 and it has been a successful but challenging term. We have seen fantastic learning both within and outside of the classroom and the school has settled into a regular routine with a full semester of onsite learning. Student and staff absences have remained high throughout the term, but we are hopeful that we see downward trend in this in Term 3. Importantly, our students and staff have been very flexible and managed to adapt to the every changing landscape to ensure that student learning continues.


We would like to thank and congratulate our students and staff for doing a marvellous job in Term 2. The teaching and learning programs have been outstanding and our wellbeing, enrichment and support programs, and extra-curricular programs have really empowered our students. Our teachers have also spent the last month writing student reports. Parents were able to access these reports last Tuesday and our Parent/Teacher interviews will take place this Thursday. Once again, we thank our teachers for their excellent student reports. They provide a very clear snapshot on each student’s performance and information on areas for future learning. 



Child Safe Standards

The new Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order 1359 begins on 1 July 2022. In preparation to meet the new standards, Camelot Rise Primary School is building on existing child safety strategies, policies, and practices to strengthen our culture of child safety and protect children from abuse.


The Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools. There are seven standards plus a principle of inclusion:

  • Standard 1: Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety
  • Standard 2: A child safety policy or a statement of commitment to child safety
  • Standard 3: A child safety code of conduct
  • Standard 4: Screening, supervision, training, and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse
  • Standard 5: Procedures for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse
  • Standard 6: Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse
  • Standard 7: Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment


Principle of inclusion: Schools must take account of and make reasonable efforts to accommodate the diversity of all children in implementing the Child Safe Standards, including (but not limited to) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children who are vulnerable.


 The Child Safe and Wellbeing policy and connected policies are reviewed in consultation with staff, students, and parents. The graphic below shows you the number of policies that connect with the Child Safe standards.



Our Education Sub Committee and School Council are in the process of reviewing and updating our existing policies. Once updated, we will share these with the school community via our school’s website.

Parent/Teacher Interviews: Thursday June 23rd 3.40pm - 5.30pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Parent/Teacher Interviews: Thursday June 23rd 3.40pm - 5.30pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Our student reports have been ‘live’ on Compass since last Tuesday, June the 14th.


These interviews will be held ‘online’ this year. This decision was reached after the success of our ‘online’ interviews in 2021. 


Class teachers will send their WebEx address to all families to enable you to ‘log on’ to the link for your interview time.

Regional Cross Country

Congratulations to the following students that participated in the Regional Cross Country 

event recently. This is an extremely high level of competition and to reach this level is a credit to these students. We would like to congratulate the following students:

Thomas (4WT), Aiden (6Y), Finn(6N).

  • Thomas came 17th out of eighty-four.
  • Aiden came 67th out of eighty-four.
  • Finn came 42nd out of ninety.

A wonderful achievement from all three boys. We are extremely proud of you all!

Camp Australia Handball Championship

Last Sunday Camelot Rise hosted the annual ‘Camp Australia Handball Championship’. This was a very successful day with over 40 children participating and 200 people in attendance. It was great that our school was able to host such a great event.




End of Term 2 Dismissal: Friday 24th June at 2.30pm


End of term Timetable for the last day of Term Two, Friday, 24th June


Friday, 24th June is the last day of term and the timetable for the day will be slightly different.

9.00am – 10.40am      Students in class 

10.40am – 11.10am    Recess

11.10am – 12.50pm    Students in class

12.50pm – 1.00pm      Students eat lunch in class 

1.00pm – 1.40pm        Lunch play

1.45pm – 2.00pm        Whole school assembly

2.30pm                           Students dismissed from their classrooms.


Please note that there will be no ‘Student of the week’ awards presented at the end of term assemblies.


Our Camp Australia, Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program commences at 2.30pm on the last day of term.

Happy holidays

On behalf of all the staff we would like to wish all students and families a wonderful holiday. It has been a great Term Two at Camelot Rise Primary School and we look forward to this continuing in Term Three. 


We welcome the community using our facilities during the holiday break as it is great seeing children and families being active and playing outdoors, however, if you see anyone acting suspiciously or inappropriately around the school grounds, please contact the Glen Waverley Police Station 9566 1555 or contact 000.


We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday, 11th July.


Matthew Coney and Ben Heys