Library News

Messages from our Librarian - Mrs Adams

Term 3

We love Term 3 in the Library because it is a busy and exciting term! Book Week and The Premier's Reading Challenge had us reading a wide variety of books which we enjoyed. So many amazing books which the children will be able to borrow next term. Kinder and Stage 1 told me that their favourite book is still Stellarphant. 

It was wonderful to welcome back parents and grandparents to our Torchlight Reading which was a very successful night. Our Book Fair supplied to us by The Readers Companion was very successful with lots of books bought and we also had lots of books generously donated. 


Congratulations to all those Superstars who completed the Premier's Reading Challenge.  


Holiday Reading

Our Children are able to still keep borrowing books online with Sora. Download the App and search for ACEN(Australian Catholic Education Network ) and then choose Armidale Diocese. Children just use their normal logins for their Chromebooks. If you are going on a car trip or a holiday without internet you can easily download the book beforehand.

Storybox Library is another online Reading Platform that our school is registered for. I love this as it is Australian and has many of the Shortlisted Books read to the children. It's a Reading Platform where the children are read books to by actors, authors and others. They have chosen the best of our Australian literature to share with our children and it's suitable for all our children.




What I'm reading!

 I intend to keep busy and catch up on some reading. I've bought books which have been sitting beside my bed for a little while so this is the holiday where I will read and read.

  1. Girlhood by Maggie Dent (This is a practical guide for raising girls and has great reviews.)
  2. The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley (I loved Lucy's The Guest List. A murder mystery)
  3. Joan is Ok by Weike Wang (Joan is a busy doctor at a New York Hospital who wonders about her life. I just like the sound of it)
  4. The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki (Roy from The Readers Companion recommended this and always recommends a great read)

What are you reading? 


Happy Holidays everyone.

Hopefully there will be sun?
Hopefully there will be sun?