Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

At our whole school assembly this week, I spoke about the word - EXTRAORDINARY, emphasising the fact that anything sitting under that description is “extra” ordinary. In other words, “beyond” the “normal”. Hence, I spoke about the extraordinary efforts of our wonderfully talented St Joseph’s Glen Innes students over the past term challenging themselves “beyond” their comfort zone to test themselves at the next level. 


Most recently our NSW State Netball regional finalists acquitted themselves superbly against strong opposition in Tamworth. While they do not progress to the next level, the team’s sportsmanship, palpable school spirit and camaraderie were extraordinary! Thank you to our parents Kristen Bailey and Sal Floyd for coaching the team and Miss McMenimen for acting as our official umpire. Further, the incredible achievements of our Polding Athletics representatives are to be highly commended. For the full detail please check out Mrs Barratt’s Sports Report later in this newsletter, but I cannot understate the extraordinary efforts of Aila McBain and Fletcher Barratt on their deserved selection for state trials early next term. Once more, this is not a regular occurrence and reflects hours of training and extraordinary commitment. Similarly, our New England Sings! Choir continues to exceed expectations via their extraordinary participation in the regional school's rehearsal last week. We are being continually affirmed not only about our manners and engagement with the expert conductors but our quality of performance is improving to extraordinary levels. And it does not end here. One of our extraordinary Year 6 students - Allegra Pinferi has been individually chosen for a soloist role in the ‘big show’ on Sunday 23 October. Not every school has a solo representative in this year’s show and Allegra’s selection after a rigorous audition process represents her hard work behind the scenes and willingness to test herself - once again - at the next level! Thank you again to Mrs Core for her skilful and enthusiastic leadership of our school choir! In closing, I pointed out that every fortnight at our whole school assembly each stage issues class awards to children who are achieving extraordinary things in their classroom learning and during sports lessons. These awards are not given to everyone every fortnight - that would make it ordinary. These hard-working students at St Joseph's Glen Innes are doing EXTRA-ordinary things to take their learning to the next level! Well done everyone!


An early plug for Grandparent’s Day early next term. From 10:30 am on Tuesday 18 October, grandparents and carers are warmly invited to enter via the Meade Street gate whereby ushers will take our visitors around to the classrooms to check out our contemporary learning spaces, followed by a school-provided Morning Tea in the Undercroft from 11:10 am. Please spread the word to Gran, Pop, Nan and the crew for a lovely community event in Week 2 next term.


Our Kindergarten Transition sessions begin early next term for those families that have applied for enrolment, been interviewed and formally accepted an offer of enrolment. There are limited spaces available for Kindergarten in 2023 so if you know a good family that has yet to make the right choice for catholic education at our great school, please encourage them to apply ASAP to join our collective mission to make our good school great!


Stay safe over the holidays and we look forward to another “extraordinary” term four beginning on Monday 10 October.


May God go with you

Geoff McManus
